# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Pyomo real-time dispatch model
Model authors:
* Mike Wagner - UW-Madison
* Bill Hamilton - NREL
* John Cox - Colorado School of Mines
* Alex Zolan - NREL
Pyomo code by Alex Zolan
Modified by Gabriel Soto
import pyomo.environ as pe
from dispatch.GeneralDispatch import GeneralDispatch
from dispatch.GeneralDispatch import GeneralDispatchParamWrap
from dispatch.NuclearDispatch import NuclearDispatch
from dispatch.NuclearDispatch import NuclearDispatchParamWrap
from dispatch.SolarDispatch import SolarDispatch
from dispatch.SolarDispatch import SolarDispatchParamWrap
from dispatch.IndirectNuclearDispatch import IndirectNuclearDispatch
import numpy as np
from util.FileMethods import FileMethods
from util.SSCHelperMethods import SSCHelperMethods
import os, copy
[docs]class DualPlantDispatch(SolarDispatch):
The DualPlantDispatch class is meant to set up and run Dispatch
optimization as a mixed integer linear program problem using Pyomo,
specifically for the NuclearMsptTES NE2+SSC module.
[docs] def __init__(self, dual=True, **kwargs):
""" Initializes the DualPlantDispatch module
The instantiation of this class receives a parameter dictionary from
the NE2 module (created using the DualPlantDispatchWrapper class). It calls
on the GeneralDispatch __init__ to create the model. The NuclearDispatch first
creates an empty Concrete Model from Pyomo, then generates Parameters
from the parameter dictionary, Variables, Objectives and Constraints.
params (dict) : dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
unitRegistry (pint.registry) : unique unit Pint unit registry
super().__init__(dual=dual, **kwargs)
[docs] def generate_params(self, params):
""" Method to generate parameters within Pyomo DualPlant Model
This method reads in a dictionary of pyomo parameters and uses these
inputs to initialize parameters for the Pyomo Concrete Model. This method
sets up parameters particularly for the Power Cycle. It also defines
some lambda functions that helps convert Pint units to Pyomo units. It
first instantiates PowerCycle parameters through GeneralDispatch, then
instantiates Nuclear parameters.
Note: initial conditions are defined for the time period immediately
preceding the start of this new Pyomo time segment.
params (dict) : dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
# generating NuclearDispatch parameters first (PowerCycle, etc.)
# NuclearDispatch.generate_params(self, params)
# SolarDispatch.generate_params(self, params, skip_parent=True)
[docs] def generate_variables(self):
""" Method to generate parameters within Pyomo DualPlant Model
This method instantiates variables for the Pyomo Concrete Model, with
domains. Does not need initial guesses here, they are defined in the
parameters. We first define continuous and binary variables for the
Power Cycle through GeneralDispatch, then declare nuclear variables.
# generating NuclearDispatch variables first (PowerCycle, etc.)
# NuclearDispatch.generate_variables(self)
# SolarDispatch.generate_variables(self, skip_parent=True)
[docs] def add_objective(self):
""" Method to add an objective function to the Pyomo Solar Model
This method adds an objective function to the Pyomo Solar Dispatch
model. Typically, the LORE team defined a nested function and passes it
into the Pyomo model.
def objectiveRule(model):
""" Maximize profits vs. costs """
return (
sum( model.D[t] *
model.Delta[t]*model.P[t]*0.1*(model.wdot_s[t] - model.wdot_p[t])
- (model.Ccsu*model.ycsup[t] + 0.1*model.Cchsp*model.ychsp[t] + model.alpha*model.ycsd[t])
- (model.C_delta_w*(model.wdot_delta_plus[t]+model.wdot_delta_minus[t])+model.C_v_w*(model.wdot_v_plus[t] + model.wdot_v_minus[t]))
- (model.Crsu*model.yrsup[t] + model.Crhsp*model.yrhsp[t] + model.alpha*model.yrsd[t])
- (model.Cnsu*model.ynsup[t] + model.Cnhsp*model.ynhsp[t] + model.alpha*model.ynsd[t])
- model.Delta[t]*(model.Cpc*model.wdot[t] + model.Ccsb*model.Qb*model.ycsb[t] + model.Crec*model.xr[t] + model.Cnuc*model.xn[t] )
for t in model.T)
self.model.OBJ = pe.Objective(rule=objectiveRule, sense = pe.maximize)
[docs] def addNuclearSupplyAndDemandConstraints(self):
""" Method to add nuclear supply and demand constraints to the Pyomo Nuclear Model
This method adds constraints pertaining to nuclear supply and demand energy
constraints. Some constraints might be redundant, they are adapted from the CSP
constraints (thanks LORE team).
super(IndirectNuclearDispatch, self).addNuclearSupplyAndDemandConstraints()
[docs] def addTESEnergyBalanceConstraints(self):
""" Method to add TES constraints to the Pyomo Solar Model
This method adds constraints pertaining to TES energy balance from charging
with thermal power and discharging to the power cycle.
def tes_balance_rule(model, t):
""" Balance of energy to and from TES """
if t == 1:
return model.s[t] - model.s0 == model.Delta[t] * (model.xr[t] + model.xn[t] - (model.Qc[t]*model.ycsu[t] + model.Qb*model.ycsb[t] + model.x[t] + model.Qnsb*model.ynsb[t] + model.Qrsb*model.yrsb[t]))
return model.s[t] - model.s[t-1] == model.Delta[t] * (model.xr[t] + model.xn[t] - (model.Qc[t]*model.ycsu[t] + model.Qb*model.ycsb[t] + model.x[t] + model.Qnsb*model.ynsb[t] + model.Qrsb*model.yrsb[t]))
def tes_upper_rule(model, t):
""" Upper bound to TES charge state """
return model.s[t] <= model.Eu
def tes_start_up_rule(model, t):
""" Ensuring sufficient TES charge level to startup NP """
if t == 1:
return model.s0 >= model.Delta[t]*model.delta_rs[t]*( (model.Qu + model.Qb)*( -3 + model.yrsu[t] + model.ynsu[t] + model.y0 + model.y[t] + model.ycsb0 + model.ycsb[t] ) + model.x[t] + model.Qb*model.ycsb[t] )
return model.s[t-1] >= model.Delta[t]*model.delta_rs[t]*( (model.Qu + model.Qb)*( -3 + model.yrsu[t] + model.ynsu[t] + model.y[t-1] + model.y[t] + model.ycsb[t-1] + model.ycsb[t] ) + model.x[t] + model.Qb*model.ycsb[t] )
def maintain_tes_rule(model):
""" Final state of TES has to be less than or equal to start """
return model.s[model.num_periods] <= model.s0
self.model.tes_balance_con = pe.Constraint(self.model.T,rule=tes_balance_rule)
self.model.tes_upper_con = pe.Constraint(self.model.T,rule=tes_upper_rule)
self.model.tes_start_up_con = pe.Constraint(self.model.T,rule=tes_start_up_rule)
self.model.maintain_tes_con = pe.Constraint(rule=maintain_tes_rule)
[docs] def addPiecewiseLinearEfficiencyConstraints(self):
""" Method to add efficiency constraints to the Pyomo Solar Model
This method adds constraints pertaining to efficiency constraints defined
as a piecewise linear approximation. Also referred to as Cycle supply and
demand constraints. In the SolarDispatch, we add an extra balance of power
with respect to energy storage and power produced from the CSP plant.
TODO: This should be revisited when adding MED!!
super(NuclearDispatch, self).addPiecewiseLinearEfficiencyConstraints()
def grid_therm_rule(model, t):
""" Balance of power flow, i.e. sold vs purchased """
return (
model.wdot_s[t] - model.wdot_p[t] == (1-model.etac[t])*model.wdot[t]
- model.Ln*(model.xn[t] + model.xnsu[t] + model.Qnl*model.ynsb[t])
- model.Lr*(model.xr[t] + model.xrsu[t] + model.Qrl*model.yrsb[t])
- model.Lc*model.x[t]
- model.Wh*model.yr[t] - model.Wb*model.ycsb[t] - model.Wht*(model.yrsb[t]+model.yrsu[t]) #Is Wrsb energy [kWh] or power [kW]? [az] Wrsb = Wht in the math?
- model.Wnht*(model.ynsb[t]+model.ynsu[t])
- (model.Ehs/model.Delta[t])*(model.yrsu[t] + model.yrsb[t] + model.yrsd[t])
# call the parent version of this method
# GeneralDispatch.addPiecewiseLinearEfficiencyConstraints(self)
# additional constraints
self.model.grid_sun_con = pe.Constraint(self.model.T,rule=grid_therm_rule)
[docs] def generate_constraints(self):
""" Method to add ALL constraints to the Pyomo Solar Model
This method calls the previously defined constraint methods to instantiate
them and add to the existing model. This method first calls the GeneralDispatch
version to set PowerCycle constraints, then calls nuclear constraint methods
to add them to the model.
# generating NuclearDispatch constraints first (PowerCycle, etc.)
# NuclearDispatch.generate_constraints(self)
# SolarDispatch.generate_constraints(self, skip_parent=True)
# =============================================================================
# Dispatch Wrapper
# =============================================================================
[docs]class DualPlantDispatchParamWrap(SolarDispatchParamWrap):
The DualPlantDispatchParamWrap class is meant to be the staging area for the
creation of Parameters ONLY for the DualPlantDispatch class. It communicates
with the NE2 modules, receiving SSC and PySAM input dictionaries to calculate
both static parameters used for every simulation segment AND initial conditions
that can be updated.
[docs] def __init__(self, dual=True, **kwargs):
""" Initializes the NuclearDispatchParamWrap module
unitRegistry (pint.registry) : unique unit Pint unit registry
SSC_dict (dict) : dictionary of SSC inputs needed to run modules
PySAM_dict (dict) : dictionary of PySAM inputs + file names
pyomo_horizon (int Quant) : length of Pyomo simulation segment (hours)
dispatch_time_step (int Quant) : length of each Pyomo time step (hours)
# here, we invoke the NuclearParamWrap init which calls on the General version
# within this call, the set_design() method is called which then calls upon both
# the nuclear and solar versions
super().__init__(dual=dual, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_design(self):
""" Method to calculate and save design point values of Plant operation
This method extracts values and calculates for design point parameters
of our Plant (e.g., nuclear thermal power output, power cycle efficiency,
inlet and outlet temperatures, etc.).
[docs] def set_fixed_cost_parameters(self, param_dict):
""" Method to set fixed costs of the Plant
This method calculates some fixed costs for the Plant operations, startup,
standby, etc.
param_dict (dict) : dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
param_dict (dict) : updated dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
# set up costs from parent class
return param_dict
[docs] def set_initial_state(self, param_dict, updated_dict=None, plant=None, npts=None ):
""" Method to set the initial state of the Plant before Dispatch optimization
This method uses SSC data to set the initial state of the Plant before Dispatch
optimization in Pyomo. This method is called in two ways: once before starting
the simulation loop, in which case it only uses values from the SSC_dict portion
of the given JSON script. The method is also called within the simulation loop
to update the initial state parameters based on the ending conditions of the
previous simulation segment (provided by SSC).
TODO: can we just input another dictionary instead of passing the full Plant?
param_dict (dict) : dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
updated_dict (dict) : dictionary with updated SSC initial conditions from previous run
plant (obj) : the full PySAM Plant object.
npts (int) : length of the SSC horizon
param_dict (dict) : updated dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
# First filling out initial states from GeneralDispatcher
super().set_initial_state(param_dict, updated_dict, plant, npts )
return param_dict