#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Apr 1 14:36:02 2021
@author: gabrielsoto
from modules.NuclearTES import NuclearTES
import unittest, os, math
import numpy as np
[docs]class TestPySAMModules(unittest.TestCase):
Unit tests for PySAM module setup
This testing suite is meant to test the methods in parent class of all modules,
that being GenericSSCModule. Only non-abstract methods will be tested.
All child classes will share common methods and attributes which will be tested here.
Dispatch is NOT tested here.
For each individual class, there will be bespoke test classes.
[docs] def setUp(self):
""" Creating instances of modules upon start of each test
nuctes = NuclearTES(json_name='tests/test_nuctes',is_dispatch=False)
#saving list of modules
self.mod_list = [nuctes]
[docs] def tearDown(self):
""" Deleting instances of modules at end of each test
# deleting each module
for mod in self.mod_list:
del mod
# deleting module list. this might be overkill?
del self.mod_list
[docs] def test__init__(self):
""" Testing the shared processes in __init__ of all modules
# defining necessary attributes to be declared in __init__
attr_list = ['json_name' , 'plant_name', 'ssc_horizon', 'pyomo_horizon',
# looping through all defined modules + attributes
for mod in self.mod_list:
for attr in attr_list:
# checking that all attributes exist in every module
self.assertTrue(hasattr(mod,attr) ,
"{0} does not have '{1}' attribute".format(mod.__class__.__name__,attr))
# checking that the self.store_csv_arrays( ) method was called correctly
self.assertTrue(hasattr(mod,"solar_resource_file") ,
"Something went wrong when {0} called 'store_csv_arrays' method".format(mod.__class__.__name__) )
[docs] def test_store_csv_arrays(self):
""" Testing the storage of csv arrays in all modules
NOTE: this assumes that the method was already called in __init__
# looping through all modules
for mod in self.mod_list:
# checking that the solar_resource_file path attribute exists
self.assertTrue(hasattr(mod,"solar_resource_file") ,
"Something went wrong when {0} called 'store_csv_arrays' method".format(mod.__class__.__name__) )
# checking that the actual filepath exists in stated directory
self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(mod.solar_resource_file) ,
"Solar Resource file path could not be found for {0}".format(mod.__class__.__name__) )
[docs] def test_create_Plant(self):
""" Testing the create_Plant method
# looping through all modules
for mod in self.mod_list:
# checking that Plant object was created
self.assertTrue(hasattr(mod,'Plant') ,
"Plant object not created for {0}".format(mod.__class__.__name__) )
[docs] def test_create_Grid(self):
""" Testing the create_Grid method
# looping through all modules
for mod in self.mod_list:
# checking that Grid object was created
self.assertTrue(hasattr(mod,'Grid') ,
"Grid object not created for {0}".format(mod.__class__.__name__) )
[docs] def test_create_SO(self):
""" Testing the create_SO method
# looping through all modules
for mod in self.mod_list:
# checking that SingleOwner object was created
self.assertTrue(hasattr(mod,'SO') ,
"SO object not created for {0}".format(mod.__class__.__name__) )
[docs] def test_initialize_arrays(self):
""" Testing the initialize_arrays method
# running in time segments versus running full year at once
loop_modes = [True, False]
# looping through all modules
for mod in self.mod_list:
for mode in loop_modes:
# =====================================================
# run the method for given looping mode
mod.run_loop = mode
# assert that a Log dictionary was created
self.assertTrue( hasattr(mod, 'Log_Arrays') ,
"Log_Arrays dictionary not created in {0} module.".format(mod.__class__.__name__ ) )
# check that individual log arrays were saved to the NE2 module
keys = mod.Log_Arrays.keys()
# if NOT running time segments, should only be saving the 'gen_long' array
condition = len(keys) == 1 if mode is False else len(keys) > 1
self.assertTrue( condition ,
"Improper amount of keys created in {0} module when run_loop is {1}.".format(mod.__class__.__name__ , mode ) )
for k in keys:
self.assertTrue( hasattr(mod, k) ,
"{0} Plant module doesn't have Output {1}.".format(mod.__class__.__name__ , k) )
[docs] def test_reset_all(self):
""" Testing the reset_all method
try_all_PySAM_mods = [True, False]
# looping through all modules
for mod in self.mod_list:
for try_all in try_all_PySAM_mods:
# create PySAM modules
# testing safe deletion, will it throw error if Grid/SO was never created?
if try_all:
# initialize arrays
mod.run_loop = True
keys = mod.Log_Arrays.keys()
# run the method
# check that method deleted PySAM modules
self.assertFalse( hasattr(mod,"Plant") ,
"Plant not deleted in {0} module.".format(mod.__class__.__name__ ) )
self.assertFalse( hasattr(mod,"Grid") ,
"Grid not deleted in {0} module. Grid was {1} beforehand".format(mod.__class__.__name__ ,
"created" if try_all else "NOT created") )
self.assertFalse( hasattr(mod,"SO") ,
"SO not deleted in {0} module. SO was {1} beforehand".format(mod.__class__.__name__ ,
"created" if try_all else "NOT created") )
# check that method deleted output and logging arrays
self.assertFalse( hasattr(mod,"Log_Arrays") ,
"Log_Arrays not deleted in {0} module.".format(mod.__class__.__name__ ) )
for k in keys:
self.assertFalse( hasattr(mod, k) ,
"{0} Plant module still has Output {1}".format(mod.__class__.__name__ , k) )
[docs] def test_log_SSC_arrays(self):
""" Testing the log_SSC_arrays method
Here we test both instances of the method call, during simulations and
during the last simulation segment.
# running in time segments versus running full year at once
loop_modes = [True, False]
final_attrs = ['gen_log', 'capacity_factor', 'annual_energy']
# looping through all modules
for mod in self.mod_list:
# looping through all loop modes for log_final being true
for mode in loop_modes:
# ================================================================
# test that method behaves correctly for given loop mode
mod.run_loop = mode
#--- create Plant object and execute it
mod.create_Plant( )
mod.simulate_Plant( )
# log final results from looping simulations
listoflists = [list(mod.Log_Arrays.keys() ) , final_attrs ]
total_attrs = [item for sublist in listoflists for item in sublist] #'flatten'-ing the list of lists
# check that PySAM_Outputs exists as a subclass of Plant
self.assertTrue( hasattr(mod.Plant, 'PySAM_Outputs') ,
"{0} Plant module does not have PySAM_Outputs".format(mod.__class__.__name__ ) )
# check attributes
for f in total_attrs:
# check that attributes exist
self.assertTrue( hasattr(mod, f) ,
"{0} Plant module does not have output {1} when log_final is True".format(mod.__class__.__name__ , f) )
# check that attributes exist in PySAM_Outputs fake lambda subclass
if f not in final_attrs:
self.assertTrue( hasattr(mod.Plant.PySAM_Outputs, mod.Log_Arrays[f]) ,
"{0} PySAM_Outputs module does not have output {1} when log_final is True".format(mod.__class__.__name__ , f) )
# check that attribute is non-zero
self.assertTrue( getattr(mod, f).sum() != 0 ,
"Output {0} sums up to 0 in module {1} when log_final is True".format(f, mod.__class__.__name__ ) )
# ================================================================
# test that method behaves correctly for running loop
mod.run_loop = True
#--- create Plant object and execute it
mod.create_Plant( )
# start and end times for full simulation
time_start = mod.SSC_dict['time_start'] * mod.u.s
time_next = mod.ssc_horizon.to('s')
# setting up empty log array for log arrays
# first execution of Plant through SSC
mod.run_Plant_through_SSC( mod.Plant, time_start , time_next )
# logged arrays
keys = mod.Log_Arrays.keys()
for k in keys:
# check that attributes exist in **module**
self.assertTrue( hasattr(mod, k) ,
"{0} Plant module does not have output {1} when log_final is False".format(mod.__class__.__name__ , k) )
[docs] def test_run_Plant_through_SSC(self):
""" Testing the run_Plant_through_SSC method
# some key attributes to check for in outputs
attrs = ['time_hr', 'gen', 'P_cycle', 'q_dot_nuc_inc' ]
# looping through all modules
for mod in self.mod_list:
# create Plant
mod.create_Plant( )
# start and end times for full simulation
time_start = mod.SSC_dict['time_start'] * mod.u.s
time_next = mod.ssc_horizon.to('s')
# set up run loop
mod.run_loop = True
# setting up empty log array for log arrays
# first execution of Plant through SSC
mod.run_Plant_through_SSC( mod.Plant, time_start , time_next )
# check attributes
for a in attrs:
# check that attributes exist in module.Plant.Outputs after run
self.assertTrue( hasattr(mod.Plant.Outputs, a) ,
"{0} Plant.Outputs does not have output {1} when log_final is True".format(mod.__class__.__name__ , a) )
# check that attribute is non-zero
self.assertTrue( np.sum( getattr(mod.Plant.Outputs, a) ) != 0 ,
"Output {0} sums up to 0 in module {1} when log_final is True".format(a, mod.__class__.__name__ ) )
[docs] def test_simulate_Plant(self):
""" Testing the simulate_Plant method
Here we test the basic functionality of simulate Plant
# looping through all modules
for mod in self.mod_list:
# =====================================================
#---first test what happens when not running in loop
mod.create_Plant( )
mod.run_loop = False
# simulate Plant
mod.simulate_Plant( )
# assert that sizing of time arrays are consistent
t_ind = mod.t_ind * mod.u.hr
time_stop = mod.SSC_dict['time_stop'] * mod.u.s
self.assertTrue( t_ind == time_stop.to('hr') , "Time index not set to time_stop when running full sim time." )
# reset submodules
del mod.Plant
# =====================================================
#---next test what happens when running in loop
mod.create_Plant( )
mod.run_loop = True
# simulate Plant
mod.simulate_Plant( )
# assert that sizing of time arrays are consistent
t_ind = mod.t_ind * mod.u.hr
time_stop = mod.ssc_horizon.to('s')
self.assertTrue( t_ind.to('s') == time_stop , "Time index not set to SSC Horizon time when running sim in loop." )
[docs] def test_run_sim(self):
""" Testing run_sim for all modules
NOTE: this doesn't test for accuracy of individual results, just that
the processes run in the correct order and output something.
# list of important attributes for each submodule
plant_output_attr = ['annual_energy', 'gen']
grid_output_attr = ['annual_energy_pre_curtailment_ac', 'gen']
so_output_attr = ['ppa', 'lppa_nom', 'lppa_real', 'project_return_aftertax_npv']
# looping through all modules
for mod in self.mod_list:
# ======================================
#---run full simulation for entire year
# check that Plant have written outputs
for p_attr in plant_output_attr:
self.assertTrue(hasattr(mod.Plant.Outputs, p_attr) ,
"{0} Plant doesn't have Output {1}".format(mod.__class__.__name__ , p_attr) )
# check that Grid have written outputs
for g_attr in grid_output_attr:
self.assertTrue(hasattr(mod.Grid.Outputs, g_attr) ,
"{0} Grid doesn't have Output {1}".format(mod.__class__.__name__ , g_attr) )
# check that SO have written outputs
for s_attr in so_output_attr:
self.assertTrue(hasattr(mod.SO.Outputs, s_attr) ,
"{0} SO doesn't have Output {1}".format(mod.__class__.__name__ , s_attr) )
# ======================================
#---run looped-simulation
# store results from full simulation
annual_energy = mod.Grid.SystemOutput.annual_energy
ppa = mod.SO.Outputs.ppa
# reset submodules
# ======================================
#---run simulation in a loop
# check that results are in the same ballpark
self.assertTrue( math.isclose (mod.Grid.SystemOutput.annual_energy, annual_energy, rel_tol=1e-2) ,
"Plant and Grid outputs are not within tolerance.")
self.assertTrue( math.isclose (mod.SO.Outputs.ppa, ppa , rel_tol=1e-2) ,
"Grid and SingleOwner outputs are not within tolerance.")
if __name__ == "__main__":