Source code for simulations.tests.test_nuctes

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Apr  1 14:36:02 2021

@author: gabrielsoto

from modules.NuclearTES import NuclearTES
from dispatch.NuclearDispatch import NuclearDispatch
import unittest

[docs]class TestNuclearTES(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for Nuclear TES module This testing suite is meant to test the nuclear TES module meant to represent Model 1 of the NE-2 project. This models an LFR plant supplying power to a power block with thermal energy storage (TES) in the form of molten salt tanks. """
[docs] def setUp(self): """ Creating instance of NuclearTES upon start of each test """ # creating instance of module self.nuctes = NuclearTES(json_name='tests/test_nuctes', is_dispatch=True) self.nuctes_name = self.nuctes.__class__.__name__
[docs] def tearDown(self): """ Deleting instance oself.nuctesf NuclearTES at end of each test """ # deleting each module del self.nuctes del self.nuctes_name
[docs] def test_store_csv_arrays(self): """ Testing the storage of csv arrays in NuclearTES NOTE: this assumes that the method was already called in __init__ """ # in __init__ we call self.store_csv_arrays which is overloaded in NucTes # double checking that the NuclearTES-specific attributes are generated attr_list = ['df_array' , 'ud_array', 'wl_array', 'hp_array', 'gc_array' , 'em_array', 'fm_array' ] # looping through all defined attributes for attr in attr_list: #TODO: check that the filepaths exist from PySAM_dict? # checking that the attribute exists self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.nuctes,attr) , "Something went wrong when {0} called 'store_csv_arrays method, {1} does not exist".format(self.nuctes_name, attr) )
[docs] def test_create_dispatch_params(self): """ Testing the creation of a parameter dictionary for NuclearDispatch """ attr_list = ['Ec', # from GeneralDispatch.set_power_cycle_parameters() 'P', # from GeneralDispatch.set_time_indexed_parameters() 'Cpc', # from GeneralDispatch.set_fixed_cost_parameters() 'Cnuc', # from NuclearDispatch.set_fixed_cost_parameters() 'En', # from NuclearDispatch.set_nuclear_parameters() 'Qin_nuc', # from NuclearDispatch.set_time_series_nuclear_parameters() 'y0', # from GeneralDispatch.set_initial_state() 'yn0' ] # from NuclearDispatch.set_initial_state() final_attr = ['nuc_op_mode_final', 'hot_tank_htf_percent_final', 'pc_startup_energy_remain_final' ] mod = self.nuctes # ============================================================== # creating a duplicate Plant (with setup steps for time elements) # initialize times mod.run_loop = False time_start, time_next = mod.initialize_time_elements() mod.initialize_time_slices( time_start ) mod.initialize_arrays() # create Plant mod.create_Plant() prePlant = mod.duplicate_Plant( mod.Plant ) # ============================================================== # pre-run the duplicate plant to gather guesses for Q_nuc ssc_run_success, prePlant = mod.run_Plant_through_SSC( prePlant, time_start , mod.sim_time_end ) self.assertTrue( ssc_run_success , "Pre-run of simulation failed for {0}".format( mod ) ) # ============================================================== # actually run the create_dispatch_params method # create the dictionary params_dict = mod.create_dispatch_params( prePlant ) # check that pre-run worked self.assertTrue( hasattr(mod, 'Q_nuc_guess'), "Guess for nuclear q_dot profile is not saved to {0} from simulation pre-run".format( mod )) self.assertTrue( sum( mod.Q_nuc_guess ) > 0, "Nuclear q_dot profile values are all 0 for {0}".format( mod )) # looping through all defined attributes for attr in attr_list: # checking that the attribute exists self.assertIn( attr, params_dict.keys() , "Parameter {0} is not found in dispatch parameter dictionary for {1}".format(attr, mod) ) # ============================================================== # run optimization dispatch_success = mod.run_pyomo( params_dict ) self.assertTrue( dispatch_success, "Dispatch optimization failed for {0}".format( mod )) # ============================================================== # update actual Plant after running Pyomo Plant = mod.update_Plant_after_Pyomo( mod.Plant, pre_dispatch_run=False ) # helper method to check that obj has attribute, will raise exception if fails def check_attr( obj, att ): return hasattr( obj, att) # running through final attributes at end of timestep for attr in final_attr: # checking that the attribute exists for the pre-run (should have op_final, etc.) self.assertTrue( hasattr(prePlant.Outputs, attr) , "The pre-run for {0} does not have output {1}".format( mod, attr) ) # trying to see if final operating modes, etc. are assigned for the original Plant # they should NOT be assigned, so calling the check_attr method should raise exception self.assertRaises( Exception, check_attr, Plant.Outputs, attr ) # erase mod del mod
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()