Source code for simulations.tests.test_nuctes_scenarios
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Mar 21 14:39:17 2022
@author: gabrielsoto
from modules.NuclearTES import NuclearTES
from dispatch.NuclearDispatch import NuclearDispatch
import unittest
import numpy as np
[docs]class TestNuclearTESScenarios(unittest.TestCase):
Unit tests for Nuclear TES module
This testing suite is meant to test the nuclear TES module meant to
represent Model 1 of the NE-2 project. This models an LFR plant supplying
power to a power block with thermal energy storage (TES) in the form
of molten salt tanks.
[docs] def setUp(self):
""" Creating instance of NuclearTES upon start of each test
# creating instance of module
self.nuctes = NuclearTES(json_name='tests/test_nuctes', is_dispatch=True)
self.nuctes_name = self.nuctes.__class__.__name__
[docs] def tearDown(self):
""" Deleting instance oself.nuctesf NuclearTES at end of each test
# deleting each module
del self.nuctes
del self.nuctes_name
[docs] def test_dispatch_revenue(self):
""" Testing that dispatch increases revenue and operations
# setting up modules
mod_disp_true = self.nuctes
mod_disp_false = NuclearTES(json_name='tests/test_nuctes', is_dispatch=False)
# running each module with and without pyomo dispatch optimization
# determining total revenue from each module run
revenue = {}
mods = [mod_disp_true, mod_disp_false]
names = ["w/ dispatch", 'w/o dispatch']
for mod, name in zip(mods, names):
# energy generated and associated price for each timestep
gen = np.array( mod.Plant.Outputs.gen )
price = np.array( mod.Plant.TimeOfDeliveryFactors.dispatch_factors_ts )
# logging revenue for each run
revenue[name] = np.sum( gen * price )
# asserting that revenue with dispatch is more than without dispatch
self.assertTrue( revenue["w/ dispatch"] > revenue["w/o dispatch"],
"Dispatch did not improve revenue for {0}".format( mod_disp_true ))
dispatch_gen = np.array( mod_disp_true.Plant.Outputs.gen )
dispatch_price = np.array( mod_disp_true.Plant.TimeOfDeliveryFactors.dispatch_factors_ts )
high_price = np.where( dispatch_price > 1 )[0]
low_price = np.where( dispatch_price < 1 )[0]
# asserting that dispatch makes plant sell more energy during high price periods
self.assertTrue( dispatch_gen[high_price].sum() > dispatch_gen[low_price].sum(),
"Energy generation is not higher when prices are high for dispatch of {0}".format( mod_disp_true ) )
if __name__ == "__main__":