Source code for simulations.tests.test_util

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Apr  2 14:19:23 2021

@author: gabrielsoto

import unittest, os
import numpy as np
from util.FileMethods import FileMethods

[docs]class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase): """ Unit tests for PySAM utils """
[docs] def test_csvread(self): """ Testing csv file reading through pandas and subsequent conversion to arrays """ #testing with test1.csv file, only has 1 column csvpath1 = os.path.join( FileMethods.samsim_dir , "data/tests/test1.csv") data_array1 = FileMethods.read_csv_through_pandas(csvpath1) #----checking that the output array is 1 dimensional as expected self.assertEqual(type(data_array1),np.ndarray, "test1 output is not an ndarray") self.assertEqual(len(data_array1.shape),1, "test1 is not a 1D array") #testing with test1.csv file, has 2 columns csvpath2 = os.path.join( FileMethods.samsim_dir , "data/tests/test2.csv") data_array2 = FileMethods.read_csv_through_pandas(csvpath2) #----checking that the output array is a list of lists self.assertTrue(isinstance(data_array2, list), "test2 output is not a list" ) self.assertTrue(isinstance(data_array2[0], list), "test2 output is not a list of lists" ) self.assertFalse(isinstance(data_array2[0][0], list), "test2 output has an extra column?" )
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()