Source code for simulations.util.FileMethods
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Apr 2 09:23:58 2021
@author: gabrielsoto
import pandas, os, json
[docs]class FileMethods(object):
The FileMethods class is a util class used generally to read and write data
from and to files. This can be csv, text, maybe LaTeX files in the future.
#defining directory where this particular file is located and other useful directories
util_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
samsim_dir = os.path.dirname(util_dir)
neup_dir = os.path.dirname(samsim_dir)
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(neup_dir)
#defining directories for data storage and outputs
data_dir = os.path.join(samsim_dir,'data')
output_dir = os.path.join(samsim_dir,'outputs')
[docs] def read_csv_through_pandas(filepath):
""" Method to read csv file and return data array
filepath (str) : full path to csv file
data_array (list) : data in either list (SSC_ARRAY) or nested list (SSC_MATRIX) form
dataframe = pandas.read_csv(filepath, header=None) #important: No Header assumed
#recasting dataframe to a 1D numpy array if there is only 1 columnn in csv (SSC ARRAY)
if dataframe.shape[1] == 1:
data_array = dataframe.T.to_numpy()[0]
#recasting dataframe to a ND numpy array, then to list of lists (equiv to SSC MATRIX)
data_array = dataframe.to_numpy().tolist()
return data_array
[docs] def read_solar_resource_file(filepath, unit_registry):
""" Method to read csv file and return data array
filepath (str) : full path to file
unitRegistry (pint.registry) : unique unit Pint unit registry
t_dry (float Quant) : dry bulb temperature (in deg K)
# setting a standard unit registry
u = unit_registry
# import csv dataframe
dataframe = pandas.read_csv(filepath,header=2)
# extract Temperature from dataframe
data = dataframe['Temperature']
# convert to proper data structure with units in deg C
t_dry = data.to_numpy() * u.degC
[docs] def read_steam_table_file(filepath, unit_registry):
""" Method to read csv file and return data array
filepath (str) : full path to file
unitRegistry (pint.registry) : unique unit Pint unit registry
T_K (float Quant) : steam temperature (in deg K)
c_p (float Quant) : steam temperature (in kJ/kg*K)
H_p (float Quant) : steam temperature (in kJ/kg)
# setting a standard unit registry
u = unit_registry
# import csv dataframe
dataframe = pandas.read_csv(filepath, delimiter='\t')
# extract Temperature from dataframe
T_C = dataframe['Temperature (C)'].to_numpy() * u.degC
c_p = dataframe['Cp (J/g*K)'].to_numpy() * u.kJ / * u.degK
H_p = dataframe['Enthalpy (kJ/kg)'].to_numpy() * u.kJ /
return'kelvin'), c_p, H_p
[docs] def read_json(json_name):
""" Method to read json file and return dictionaries
json_name (str) : name of json script found at 'neup-ies/simulations/json'
pysam_dict (dict) : dictionary of PySAM inputs + file names
ssc_dict (dict) : dictionary of SSC inputs needed to run modules
out_dict (dict) : dictionary of PySAM output keywords for extraction
#defining filepath for JSON script (FUTURE: add non-default functionality to input whole path)
samsim_dir = FileMethods.samsim_dir
json_filepath = os.path.join( samsim_dir, "json", json_name)
json_filepath += ".json"
with open(json_filepath) as f:
# loading JSON script to a dictionary
D = json.load(f)
#extracting specific dicts nested inside the JSON script
pysam_dict = D['PySAM_inputs']
ssc_dict = D['SSC_inputs']
out_dict = D['PySAM_outputs']
return pysam_dict, ssc_dict, out_dict
[docs] def write_csv(data_list, columns, filename):
""" Method to write csv file
data_list (list of lists) : list of strings, each list having length n
columns (list of str): list of column names with length n
filename (str): name of file (without path)
params_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(data_list, columns=columns)
filepath = "../outputs/" + filename
params_dataframe.to_csv(filepath, index=False)