Source code for simulations.util.FileParser

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Apr 16 10:15:51 2021

@author: gabrielsoto

import os, re, pandas, openpyxl
import numpy as np
from util.FileMethods import FileMethods
import pyomo as pyo

[docs]class FileParser(object): """ The FileParser class is a util class used generally to manipulate text data in files. Some main features is the ability to search existing Python class files for particular strings. Currently using regex to search for complex strings, don't yell at me please. """ # Regex rules for parsing through dispatch files (e.g. GeneralDispatch, NuclearDispatch) param_latex_regex = r'\s#([\w+\d+\{\}\^\\\,-]+):\s' # Matches parameter names in LaTeX form param_txt_regex = r'self.model.(\w+)\s?=' # Matches parameter names in txt form detail_latex_regex = r':\s([\w+\s+\d+\{\}\[\]\^\\\,\$/-]+)' # Matches explanation of parameters in LaTeX form section_regex = r'###\s([\w+\s+]+)\s###' # Matches section titles in txt form subsection_regex = r'#-------\s([\w+\s+]+)\s---------' # Matches subsection titles in txt form
[docs] def find_first_string_instance(fpath, search_str): """ Method to parse through file and locate string This method parses through a given file found at the input filepath and searches for the first instance of a given string. It then returns the line number and the full line string where it was found. If not found it returns None for both outputs. Inputs: fpath (str) : full path to relevant file search_str (str) : string to search Outputs: line_number (str) : line number where search_str was found (None if not found) line_contents (str) : full line string where search_str was found (None if not found) """ fo = open(fpath) # line-by-line search for line_number,line_contents in enumerate(fo): found = search_str in line_contents # found the search string in the file! if found: #close file fo.close() return line_number,line_contents # close file fo.close() return None,None
[docs] def get_lines_between_strings(fpath, str_start, str_end ): """ Method to return all lines between two strings in a file This method parses through a given file found at the input filepath and returns a list of lines in between two book-end strings: str_start and str_end. Inputs: fpath (str) : full path to relevant file str_start (str) : first string to search str_end (str) : last string to search Outputs: lines (list of str) : list of lines between book-end strings """ fo = open(fpath) # find starting and ending lines i_start, L_start = FileParser.find_first_string_instance(fpath, str_start) i_end, L_end = FileParser.find_first_string_instance(fpath, str_end) # create empty list for lines lines = [] # if that the start and end strings were actually found, otherwise return empty list if i_start is not None and i_end is not None: # line-by-line search for i,l in enumerate(fo): if i>i_start and i<i_end: lines.append(l) # close file fo.close() return lines
[docs] def get_dispatch_string_properties(dispatch_name,return_case=0): """ Method to return relevant dispatch string properties This method parses through a given file found at the input filepath and returns a dictionary with string values and line numbers for different parameter properties in the dispatcher. For now, it can sort through the Params and Variables of the Dispatch files. It returns latex+text names for all entries, latex strings containing parameter details, and section+subsection titles. NOTE: this method is tied to the very specific aesthetic format of the Dispatch files, should they change this method will no longer work. Inputs: dispatch_name (str) : name of Dispatch class to document return_case (int) : 0=return Param properties, 1=return Var properties Outputs: P (dict) : dictionary with entries for line number and str contents """ #TODO: check that dispatch name exists filepath = os.path.join( FileMethods.samsim_dir, 'dispatch', dispatch_name) filepath += '.py' # methods to be used as book-ends method_names = ['def generate_params', 'def generate_variables', 'def add_objective'] # define book-end strings that define where all parameters are located param_method_start = method_names[0] if return_case == 0 else method_names[1] param_method_end = method_names[1] if return_case == 0 else method_names[2] # get list of relevant lines to parse through lines_list = FileParser.get_lines_between_strings(filepath, param_method_start, param_method_end) # define regex (regular expression) rules for matching strings params_latex_rule = re.compile( FileParser.param_latex_regex ) params_txt_rule = re.compile( FileParser.param_txt_regex ) detail_latex_rule = re.compile( FileParser.detail_latex_regex ) section_rule = re.compile( FileParser.section_regex ) subsection_rule = re.compile( FileParser.subsection_regex ) # define empty lists for all properties we want params_latex = [] params_txt = [] sections = [] ssection = [] detail = [] # define empty lists for line nu where all properties are located params_latex_lineNo = [] params_txt_lineNo = [] section_lineNo = [] ssection_lineNo = [] detail_lineNo = [] # define empty dict to store and return everything in P = {} # begin search count = 0 for line in lines_list: # find strings per the regex rules param_latex_str = params_latex_rule.findall(line) param_txt_str = params_txt_rule.findall(line) section_str = section_rule.findall(line) subsection_str = subsection_rule.findall(line) detail_str = detail_latex_rule.findall(line) # append strs and line numbers to lists if found if len(param_latex_str) != 0: params_latex.append(param_latex_str[0]) params_latex_lineNo.append(count) if len(param_txt_str) != 0: params_txt.append(param_txt_str[0]) params_txt_lineNo.append(count) if len(section_str) != 0: sections.append(section_str[0]) section_lineNo.append(count) if len(subsection_str) != 0: ssection.append(subsection_str[0]) ssection_lineNo.append(count) if len(detail_str) != 0: # getting rid of extra \n's at the end of the lines if detail_str[0].endswith('\n'): detail.append( detail_str[0].split('\n')[0] ) else: detail.append(detail_str[0]) detail_lineNo.append(count) count += 1 P['params_latex'] = params_latex P['params_txt'] = params_txt P['sections'] = sections P['ssection'] = ssection P['detail'] = detail P['params_latex_lineNo'] = params_latex_lineNo P['params_txt_lineNo'] = params_txt_lineNo P['section_lineNo'] = section_lineNo P['ssection_lineNo'] = ssection_lineNo P['detail_lineNo'] = detail_lineNo P['N_lines'] = count return P
#TODO: add file to write LaTeX scripts with all parameter/variable names?
[docs] def get_single_pyomo_model_data(model, params_list, ind): """ Method to return single parameter data from a Pyomo model This method parses through a given Pyomo model and returns a value for a parameter from params_list specified by the index ind. Inputs: model (PyomoModel) : Pyomo model after execution params_list (str) : list of strings representing parameter names ind (int) : index of params_list to return Outputs: modelData (int or float) : value of requested Pyomo parameter """ OrderedSimpleSet = pyo.core.base.set.OrderedSimpleSet SimpleParam = pyo.core.base.param.SimpleParam ScalarParam = pyo.core.base.param.ScalarParam IndexedParam = pyo.core.base.param.IndexedParam # check that the model has the Parameter defined if hasattr(model, params_list[ind]): # get the model Parameter modelParam = getattr(model, params_list[ind]) # depending on how each parameter was initialized, there are # different ways to retrieve them if type(modelParam) is OrderedSimpleSet: modelData = elif type(modelParam) is SimpleParam or type(modelParam) is ScalarParam: modelData = modelParam.value elif type(modelParam) is IndexedParam: ParamDict = modelParam.extract_values() modelData = [ParamDict[x] for x in ParamDict.keys()] else: # Parameter couldn't be found, return None for now #TODO: raise some sort of error here modelData = [] return modelData else: return []
[docs] def get_list_of_pyomo_data(model, params_list): """ Method to return all parameter data from a Pyomo model This method parses through a given Pyomo model and returns a value for each parameter given in the params_list. Typically should parse through the DispatchModel first using self.get_dispatch_string_properties() to get params_list. Inputs: model (PyomoModel) : Pyomo model after execution params_list (str) : list of strings representing parameter names Outputs: data_list (list of int or float) : list of data values for each Pyomo parameter """ N = len(params_list) data_list = [] for n in range(N): single_data_list = FileParser.get_single_pyomo_model_data(model, params_list, n) data_list.append(single_data_list) return data_list
[docs] def write_pyomo_params_to_excel(model, dispatch_name, xls_file_name): """ Method to write all Pyomo parameters to an Excel sheet This method parses through a given Pyomo model and returns a value for each parameter given in the params_list. Then it saves the data to an Excel sheet called "Raw Data" in an xlsx file specified by the user input. Output file will be written in the simulations/outputs folder. Excel sheet will have three columns: Parameter name, its value, and a txt description. TODO: perhaps this method belongs in FileMethods? Inputs: model (PyomoModel) : Pyomo model after execution dispatch_name (str) : name of Dispatch model in the simulations/dispatch folder xls_file_name (str) : name of desired output file (just filename, no directories) """ # parse through Dispatch class and retrieve string properties of Parameters P = FileParser.get_dispatch_string_properties(dispatch_name,0) # get the text name for each parameter and details params_txt = P['params_txt'] param_details = P['detail'] # lambda function to facilitate getting the pyomo parameter data get_data = lambda x: FileParser.get_single_pyomo_model_data(model, params_txt, x) # create dataframe with parameter text name, data value, and text detail of that parameter dataframe_list = [ [params_txt[n], get_data(n), param_details[n+3]] for n in range(len(params_txt)) ] # create pandas DataFrame with dataframe list and column names params_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(dataframe_list,columns=['Parameter', 'Value', 'Description']) # define the output file destination in the simulation/outputs folder xls_path = os.path.join(FileMethods.samsim_dir, 'outputs', xls_file_name) sheetname = 'Raw Data' # define worksheet name for dumping data # if the workbook doesn't already exist with given filename, create it if not os.path.exists(xls_path): wb = openpyxl.Workbook() wb.close() # open workbook with openpyxl with pandas.ExcelWriter(xls_path, engine='openpyxl', mode='a') as writer: workBook = # trying here to overwrite sheet if it exists, otherwise create and write data to it try: workBook.remove(workBook[sheetname]) except: print("Worksheet does not exist") finally: params_dataframe.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheetname,index=False) # save the excel file and we're done!
[docs] def write_pyomo_params_to_text(model, dispatch_name, txt_file_name, param_or_var=0): """ Method to write all Pyomo parameters to an text file with LaTeX This method parses through a given Pyomo model and returns parameter names and information. In a text file specified by the user, it writes LaTeX formatted sections and subsections of the parameter listings. Inputs: model (PyomoModel) : Pyomo model after execution dispatch_name (str) : name of Dispatch model in the simulations/dispatch folder txt_file_name (str) : name of desired output file (just filename, no directories) param_or_var (int) : select either Parameters or Variables to write """ # get dictionary of parsed parameter string properties P = FileParser.get_dispatch_string_properties(dispatch_name,param_or_var) # assign line contents for each type of line params_latex = P['params_latex'] sections = P['sections'] subsection = P['ssection'] detail = P['detail'] # assign line numbers where each type of line shows up params_latex_lineNo = P['params_latex_lineNo'] section_lineNo = P['section_lineNo'] subsection_lineNo = P['ssection_lineNo'] # total amount of lines n_lines = P['N_lines'] # defining LaTeX commands for beginning and ending sections/alignings begin_section = '\subsection{' begin_subsection = '\subsubsection{' begin_align = '\\begin{flalign}' end_align = '\end{flalign}' # start counting at 0 doc_lines = [] count_sec = 0 count_subsec = 0 count_params = 0 for n in range(n_lines): # writing section titles if n in section_lineNo: tmp_section = begin_section + sections[count_sec] + '}' doc_lines.append(tmp_section) count_sec += 1 # if params in next line, write a \begin{align} statement if n+1 in params_latex_lineNo: doc_lines.append(begin_align) # writing subsection titles if n in subsection_lineNo: tmp_ssection = begin_subsection + subsection[count_subsec] + '}' doc_lines.append(tmp_ssection) count_subsec += 1 # write a \begin{align} statement for params next line doc_lines.append(begin_align) # writing LaTeX representation of params with text details if n in params_latex_lineNo: tmp_params = '&' + params_latex[count_params] + ' &&: \\text{' + detail[count_params] + '}' # if there's another parameter next, end the line if n+1 in params_latex_lineNo: tmp_params += ' \\\\ ' doc_lines.append(tmp_params) # if no parameters up next, end the align brackets else: doc_lines.append(tmp_params) doc_lines.append(end_align + '\n') count_params += 1 # print and/or save text file txt_path = os.path.join(FileMethods.samsim_dir, 'outputs', txt_file_name) text_file = open(txt_path,'w') text_file.write(' \n'.join(doc_lines)) text_file.close()
[docs] def write_pyomo_params_to_table(model, dispatch_name, txt_file_name, param_or_var=0): """ Method to write all Pyomo parameters to an text file with LaTeX This method parses through a given Pyomo model and returns parameter names and information. In a text file specified by the user, it writes LaTeX formatted sections and subsections of the parameter listings. Inputs: model (PyomoModel) : Pyomo model after execution dispatch_name (str) : name of Dispatch model in the simulations/dispatch folder txt_file_name (str) : name of desired output file (just filename, no directories) param_or_var (int) : select either Parameters or Variables to write """ # get dictionary of parsed parameter string properties P = FileParser.get_dispatch_string_properties(dispatch_name, param_or_var) # assign line contents for each type of line params_latex = P['params_latex'] sections = P['sections'] subsection = P['ssection'] detail = P['detail'] # assign line numbers where each type of line shows up params_latex_lineNo = P['params_latex_lineNo'] section_lineNo = P['section_lineNo'] subsection_lineNo = P['ssection_lineNo'] params_detail_lineNo = P['detail_lineNo'] # total amount of lines n_lines = P['N_lines'] # start counting at 0 doc_lines = [] count_sec = 0 count_subsec = 0 count_params = 0 for n in range(n_lines): # writing section titles if n in section_lineNo: tmp_section = '& &\\ \'' + sections[count_sec] + '\'' doc_lines.append(tmp_section) count_sec += 1 # if params in next line, write a \begin{align} statement if n+1 in params_latex_lineNo: doc_lines.append(' ') # writing subsection titles if n in subsection_lineNo: tmp_ssection = '& &\\ \'' + subsection[count_subsec] + '\'' doc_lines.append(tmp_ssection) count_subsec += 1 doc_lines.append(' ') # writing LaTeX representation of params with text details if n in params_latex_lineNo: detail_line_match = np.where( np.asarray(params_detail_lineNo) == params_latex_lineNo[count_params])[0][0] tmp_detail = detail[ int(detail_line_match) ] # if there's another parameter next, end the line if n+1 in params_latex_lineNo: if '[' in tmp_detail: detail_txt, unit_txt = tmp_detail.split('[') tmp_params = '${0}$ & ${1}$ & {2} \\\\'.format( params_latex[count_params], unit_txt[:-1], detail_txt ) else: tmp_params = '&' + params_latex[count_params] + ' &&: \\text{' + detail[count_params] + '}' doc_lines.append(tmp_params) # if no parameters up next, end the align brackets else: doc_lines.append(tmp_params) doc_lines.append(' ') count_params += 1 # print and/or save text file txt_path = os.path.join(FileMethods.samsim_dir, 'outputs', txt_file_name) text_file = open(txt_path,'w') text_file.write(' \n'.join(doc_lines)) text_file.close()