Source code for simulations.util.NuclearTESLoadProfiles

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Mar  8 11:46:53 2022

@author: gabrielsoto

from pylab import rc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os, copy, pickle
rc('axes', linewidth=2)
rc('font', weight='bold', size=12)

[docs]class NuclearTESLoadProfiles(object): """ The LoadProfileFigures class is SEPARATE from the PostProcessing family of classes. This might in the future best be a part of the PostProcessing family... but doing this semi-quickly for the Model 1 Energies paper. The class sets up all helper methods used to generate overlaid violin plots for load profiles of a given run. The given run is specified by: - Pref - tshours - tariff schedule - time horizons (both for SSC and Pyomo) Data from these runs is assumed to be stored in a pickle file and contains data for a full year's worth of simulation. I keep changing file names, so the filename is assumed to be an input (a separate script that creates this class will handle filename creation). """
[docs] def __init__(self, filepath): """ Initializes the NuclearTESLoadProfiles module """ self.filepath = filepath # set some parameters self.hrs_per_day = 24 self.days_per_week = 7 self.weeks_till_a_summer_day = 26 self.summer_start_day = 150 self.summer_end_day = 273 self.year_end_day = 365 # some basic arrays self.hrs_in_day = np.arange(0, self.hrs_per_day, 1) self.Mondays = np.arange(0, self.year_end_day, 7) self.Fridays = np.arange(5, self.year_end_day, 7) self.Sundays = np.arange(7, self.year_end_day, 7) # make sure path exists assert os.path.exists(self.filepath), "File not found at {0}.".format( self.filepath ) # extracting data as a dictionary from given filepath with open(self.filepath, 'rb') as f: self.Storage = pickle.load(f) self.extract_data() self.restructure_array_by_hour() for key in self.Storage.keys(): array_byHour = getattr(self, key + "_array_byHour") dict_bySeason = self.restructure_dict_by_season_and_weekday( array_byHour ) setattr(self, key + "_dict", dict_bySeason)
[docs] def extract_data(self): """ Extracts raw data from Storage This method extracts full year's worth of data from storage dictionary and saves it as a member attribute of current object. """ for key in self.Storage.keys(): # extract key from dictionary tmp_array = self.Storage[key] # check if data has an associated pint unit, remove if so tmp_array = tmp_array.m if hasattr(tmp_array, 'm') else tmp_array # save data as object attribute setattr(self, key + "_array", tmp_array) # delete temporary data structure del tmp_array
[docs] def restructure_array_by_hour(self): """ Restructures data arrays by hour of day This method takes data (saved as member arrays of current object) and restructures it by hour of the day. That is, for each hour of the day, it populates a new array (24 x 365) with values for all, for example, midnights throughout the year. """ empty_list = [] for h in self.hrs_in_day: # creating time slice for all instances of hour h for days in sim start_slice = int( h ) end_slice = int( self.year_end_day * self.hrs_per_day ) t_slice = slice( start_slice, end_slice, 24 ) # slice data for key in self.Storage.keys(): if h == 0: setattr(self, key + "_array_byHour", copy.deepcopy(empty_list) ) array_byHour = getattr(self, key + "_array_byHour") array_byHour.append( getattr(self, key + "_array")[t_slice].tolist() ) # restructuring as arrays for key in self.Storage.keys(): array_byHour = getattr(self, key + "_array_byHour") array_byHour = np.array(array_byHour) setattr(self, key + "_array_byHour", array_byHour)
[docs] def restructure_dict_by_season_and_weekday( self, data_ ): """ Restructures existing data arrays into a data dictionary Data dictionary is split into Winter and Summer data. Those two are then split into WeekDay and WeekEnd data. Inputs: data_ : ndarry of size 24 x 365 Outputs: data_arrays : dict """ data_arrays = {} data_arrays['Winter'] = {} data_arrays['Winter']['WeekDay'] = [] data_arrays['Winter']['WeekEnd'] = [] data_arrays['Summer'] = {} data_arrays['Summer']['WeekDay'] = [] data_arrays['Summer']['WeekEnd'] = [] summer_start = self.summer_start_day summer_end = self.summer_end_day for h in self.hrs_in_day: # ========================= # Weekdays tmp_winter_WD = [] tmp_summer_WD = [] for m,f in zip(self.Mondays, self.Fridays): # slice of data for all hours h -> only grabbing M-F values (as array) # ============================================================================= ### Winter # considering the first winter months if m < summer_start: # checking if summer started mid-week if f <= summer_start: winter_weekday = data_[h, slice(m,f,1)] else: winter_weekday = data_[h, slice(m,summer_start,1)] # storing all data for hour h, M-F as a list in list tmp_winter_WD.append( winter_weekday.tolist() ) # considering the second winter months elif m > summer_end: winter_weekday = data_[h, slice(m,f,1)] # storing all data for hour h, M-F as a list in list tmp_winter_WD.append( winter_weekday.tolist() ) # ============================================================================= ### Summer else: # checking if summer started mid-week if f <= summer_end: summer_weekday = data_[h, slice(m,f,1)] else: summer_weekday = data_[h, slice(m,summer_end,1)] # storing all data for hour h, M-F as a list in list tmp_summer_WD.append( summer_weekday.tolist() ) winter_data = sum(tmp_winter_WD, []) data_arrays['Winter']['WeekDay'].append( winter_data ) summer_data = sum(tmp_summer_WD, []) data_arrays['Summer']['WeekDay'].append( summer_data ) # ========================= # Weekends tmp_winter_WE = [] tmp_summer_WE = [] for f,s in zip(self.Fridays, self.Sundays): # ============================================================================= ### Winter # considering the first winter months if f < summer_start: # checking if summer started mid-week if s <= summer_start: winter_weekend = data_[h, slice(f,s,1)] else: winter_weekend = data_[h, slice(f,summer_start,1)] # storing all data for hour h, F-Su as a list in list tmp_winter_WE.append( winter_weekend.tolist() ) # considering the second winter months elif f > summer_end: winter_weekend = data_[h, slice(f,s,1)] # storing all data for hour h, M-F as a list in list tmp_winter_WE.append( winter_weekend.tolist() ) # ============================================================================= ### Summer else: # checking if summer started mid-week if s <= summer_end: summer_weekend = data_[h, slice(f,s,1)] else: summer_weekend = data_[h, slice(f,summer_end,1)] # storing all data for hour h, M-F as a list in list tmp_summer_WE.append( summer_weekend.tolist() ) winter_WEdata = sum(tmp_winter_WE, []) data_arrays['Winter']['WeekEnd'].append( winter_WEdata ) summer_WEdata = sum(tmp_summer_WE, []) data_arrays['Summer']['WeekEnd'].append( summer_WEdata ) for season in ["Winter", "Summer"]: for dayOfWeek in ["WeekDay", "WeekEnd"]: data_arrays[season][dayOfWeek] = np.array( data_arrays[season][dayOfWeek]) return data_arrays
[docs] def create_violin_plot(self, ax, data, full_data, v_color='C0', hide_x=False): """ Creates a violin plot for each hour of the day Method repurposed from Creates a violin plot from a list of lists for each of those sub-lists. In our case, the sub-lists are values for a given hour of the day across the full year (e.g., hour 0 from January to December). Also plots medians as a white dot, 1st-3rd quartiles in a black rectangle, and the full distribution in color specified by input. Inputs: ax : Pyplot axis object data : list of lists v_color : string """ # full violin plot vp = ax.violinplot( data, positions=self.hrs_in_day, widths=0.75, showmeans=False, showmedians=False, showextrema=False) for pc in vp['bodies']: pc.set_facecolor(v_color) pc.set_edgecolor('black') pc.set_alpha(1) quartile1, medians, quartile3 = np.percentile(data, [25, 50, 75], axis=1) whiskers = np.array([ self.violin_adjacent_values(sorted_array, q1, q3) for sorted_array, q1, q3 in zip(np.sort(data,axis=1), quartile1, quartile3)]) whiskers_min, whiskers_max = whiskers[:, 0], whiskers[:, 1] inds = np.arange(0, len(medians) ) ax.scatter(inds, medians, marker='o', color='black', s=35, zorder=3) ax.scatter(inds, medians, marker='o', color='white', s=25, zorder=3) ax.vlines(inds, quartile1, quartile3, color='k', linestyle='-', lw=5) ax.vlines(inds, whiskers_min, whiskers_max, color='k', linestyle='-', lw=1) self.modify_violin_axes( ax, data, full_data, hide_x )
# ax.grid(True)
[docs] def violin_adjacent_values(self, vals, q1, q3): """ Helper method for violin plots to clip boundaries Method taken from """ upper_adjacent_value = q3 + (q3 - q1) * 1.5 upper_adjacent_value = np.clip(upper_adjacent_value, q3, vals[-1]) lower_adjacent_value = q1 - (q3 - q1) * 1.5 lower_adjacent_value = np.clip(lower_adjacent_value, vals[0], q1) return lower_adjacent_value, upper_adjacent_value
[docs] def modify_violin_axes(self, ax, data, full_data, hide_x=False ): if not hide_x: ax.set_xlabel("Hour of the Day", fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') ax.set_xlim([-0.5, 23.5]) ax.set_xticks(self.hrs_in_day) max_data = [] for s in full_data.keys(): season_data = full_data[s] for k in season_data.keys(): max_data.append(season_data[k].max()) upper_lim = np.max(max_data) * 1.1 ax.set_ylim([-5, upper_lim])
[docs] def create_tariff_overlay(self, ax, is_winter=True, is_weekday=True, s_color='C0'): hrs_per_day = self.hrs_per_day days_per_week = self.days_per_week weeks_till_summer = self.weeks_till_a_summer_day year_end = self.year_end_day M_or_Su = 0 if is_weekday else 6 neutral_slice = slice(0, hrs_per_day, 1) lw = 3 if 'tariffx' in self.filepath or 'TwinPeaks' in self.filepath: p_time = self.time_array price = self.price_array # indexing the winter default tariff schedule winter_start_slice = 0 + M_or_Su * hrs_per_day winter_end_slice = int(winter_start_slice + hrs_per_day) winter_slice = slice(winter_start_slice, winter_end_slice, 1) # indexing the summer default tariff schedule summer_start_slice = int( days_per_week * hrs_per_day * weeks_till_summer + M_or_Su * hrs_per_day) summer_end_slice = int( summer_start_slice + hrs_per_day) summer_slice = slice(summer_start_slice, summer_end_slice, 1) ax2 = ax.twinx() if is_winter: ax2.plot(p_time[neutral_slice]-1, price[winter_slice], linewidth= lw, color=s_color, label="Winter Tariff") else: ax2.plot(p_time[neutral_slice]-1, price[summer_slice], linewidth= lw, color=s_color, label="Summer Tariff") ax2.set_ylabel("Price \nMultiplier", fontsize=14, fontweight='bold') ax2.set_ylim([0.2, 3.5]) ax2.yaxis.label.set_color(s_color) ax2.tick_params(axis='y', colors=s_color) ax2.spines["right"].set_edgecolor(s_color) else: p_time = self.time_array_byHour if is_winter: price = np.hstack([ self.price_dict['Winter'][w] for w in ['WeekDay', 'WeekEnd'] ]) ax.set_ylabel("Price \nMultiplier", labelpad=20, fontsize=12, fontweight='bold') else: price = np.hstack([ self.price_dict['Summer'][w] for w in ['WeekDay', 'WeekEnd'] ]) price_mins = price.min(axis=1) price_maxs = price.max(axis=1) price_mean = np.mean(price, axis=1) price_std = np.std( price, axis=1) price_std_plus = price_mean + price_std price_std_minus = price_mean - price_std ax.fill_between( self.hrs_in_day, price_mins, price_maxs, color='C0', alpha=0.4 , label='Price Range over 1 Year') ax.fill_between( self.hrs_in_day, price_std_minus, price_std_plus, color='C0', alpha=0.6 , label=r'$\pm 1\sigma$') ax.plot( self.hrs_in_day, price_mean, 'darkblue', label='Mean Price') # zeroline xzero = np.linspace(-0.5, 23.5, 1000) yzero = np.zeros( len(xzero) ) ax.plot( xzero, yzero, 'k--') # for d in range(len(price.T)): # ax.plot(self.hrs_in_day, price[:,d], color=s_color, alpha=0.5, linewidth=0.5) ax.set_xlim([-0.5, 23.5]) ax.set_xticks(self.hrs_in_day) if is_winter: ax.set_ylim([-3, 8.5]) ax.set_yticks([-2,0,2,4,6,8]) ax.legend(loc='best', fontsize=10, bbox_to_anchor=(1.17, 1.2), fancybox=True, shadow=True) peak_x = 18 peak_dx = 1.7 peak_text = "-22.3" else: ax.set_ylim([-3, 5]) ax.set_yticks([-2,0,2,4]) peak_x = 21 peak_dx = 1.25 peak_text = "-8.5" ax.annotate("", xy=(peak_x, -3), xytext=(peak_x, 0), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->")) ax.text(peak_x-peak_dx, -2, peak_text, fontfamily='monospace', fontweight='normal',fontsize=11)