#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri May 21 16:00:31 2021
@author: gabrielsoto
from util.FileMethods import FileMethods
from scripts.PySSC_scripts.PySSC import PySSC
import os, json
import numpy as np
import pickle as pickle
import hashlib as hashlib
[docs]class PySSCWrapper(object):
The PySSCWrapper class is a util class used to run PySSC from a given JSON
script (similar to what we're doing in the PySAM NE2 modules). The main
use-case for this method is mixed-mode debugging:
(1) choose an existing script from the /scripts directory that calls this method
(2) run the script
(3) PySSCWrapper class is initialized
(4) PySSCWrapper creates PySSC data structures and modules
(5) PySSC calls SSC
(6) We can debug SSC if we're running it through CodeLite or Eclipse
For more information: https://github.com/uw-esolab/docs/blob/main/sam/debugSSCwithPySSC_Linux_CodeLiteIDE.md
To ensure the debug version of SSC, look into the https://github.com/uw-esolab/neup-ies/build_debug_SAM bash script
[docs] def __init__(self, json_name='model1', is_debug=True):
""" Initializes the PySSCWrapper module
This method initialized the PySSCWrapper module. If we intend to run
in debug mode, the flag used as input ensures we point to the correct
version of the SSC library (libSSCd.so file which is the Debug version
rather than the Release version). The method also finds and extracts
information from the specified JSON script.
json_name (str) : name of JSON script with input data for module
is_debug (bool) : flag to determine if running in debug mode
self.is_debug = is_debug
# defining useful directories
self.samsim_dir = FileMethods.samsim_dir.encode("utf-8")
self.NE2_dir = FileMethods.parent_dir.encode("utf-8")
# defining filepath for user selected JSON script
self.json_filepath = os.path.join( FileMethods.samsim_dir, "json", json_name)
self.json_filepath += ".json"
# loading JSON script to a dictionary
with open(self.json_filepath) as f:
D = json.load(f)
#extracting specific dicts nested inside the JSON script
self.pysam_dict = D['PySAM_inputs']
self.sscdict = D['SSC_inputs']
[docs] def run_sim(self, run_dispatch_targets=False):
""" Method to run full SSC simulation through PySSC
This method creates an SSC API, saves input data from the specified
JSON script to it and runs a full SSC simulation through PySSC. Much
like PySAM, it creates a Plant, Grid, and Financial module and runs
each in order.
# creating SSC API and Data object(?) for PySSC
# option to search for file with dispatch_targets and use arrays
self.run_dispatch_targets = run_dispatch_targets
#----Plant sims
# initialize Plant-specific data
plant_mod, plant_name = self.init_plant_module()
# run Plant simulation
plant_mod = self.run_module( plant_mod, plant_name )
#----Grid sims
# initialize Grid-specific data
grid_mod, grid_name = self.init_grid_module()
# run Grid simulation
grid_mod = self.run_module( grid_mod, grid_name )
#----SingleOwner sims
# initialize SingleOwner-specific data
fin_mod, fin_name = self.init_fin_module()
# run SingleOwner simulation
fin_mod = self.run_module( fin_mod, fin_name )
[docs] def create_API(self):
""" Method to create and save a unique SSC API to self
This method also ensures we use the correct SSC library file, whether
we need the Debug or Release version (both could be in play in different
self.sscapi = PySSC(self.is_debug)
self.sscdata = self.sscapi.data_create()
[docs] def init_plant_module(self):
""" Method to initialize the Plant module within PySSC
This method creates the Plant module using SSC data from csv files
as well as from the SSC_dict within the specified JSON script.
plant_module (int) : some sort of data structure for the Plant (idk, PySSC stuff)
plant_module_name (str) : name of Plant module, or the cmod SSC file
slash = '/'.encode("utf-8")
# file locations
solar_resource_file = self.NE2_dir + slash + self.pysam_dict['solar_resource_rel_parent'].encode("utf-8")
dispatch_factors_file = self.samsim_dir + slash + self.pysam_dict['dispatch_factors_file'].encode("utf-8")
ud_file = self.samsim_dir + slash + self.pysam_dict['ud_file'].encode("utf-8")
wlim_file = self.samsim_dir + slash + self.pysam_dict['wlim_file'].encode("utf-8")
helio_file = self.samsim_dir + slash + self.pysam_dict['helio_file'].encode("utf-8")
eta_file = self.samsim_dir + slash + self.pysam_dict['eta_file'].encode("utf-8")
flux_file = self.samsim_dir + slash + self.pysam_dict['flux_file'].encode("utf-8")
# set data from files
self.sscapi.data_set_string( self.sscdata, b'solar_resource_file', solar_resource_file )
self.sscapi.data_set_matrix_from_csv( self.sscdata, b'eta_map', eta_file)
self.sscapi.data_set_matrix_from_csv( self.sscdata, b'flux_maps', flux_file)
self.sscapi.data_set_matrix_from_csv( self.sscdata, b'helio_positions', helio_file)
self.sscapi.data_set_matrix_from_csv( self.sscdata, b'ud_ind_od', ud_file)
self.sscapi.data_set_array_from_csv( self.sscdata, b'wlim_series', wlim_file)
self.sscapi.data_set_array_from_csv( self.sscdata, b'dispatch_factors_ts', dispatch_factors_file)
# set data for dispatch targets if exists
if self.run_dispatch_targets:
hash_exists, hash_filepath = self.generate_hash()
if hash_exists:
print("\nDispatch Targets exists in {0}.\n".format(hash_filepath))
# loading dispatch targets from file if it exists
with open(hash_filepath, 'rb') as f:
self.DT = pickle.load(f)
# setting dispatch targets to True
self.sscapi.data_set_number(self.sscdata, 'is_dispatch_targets'.encode("utf-8"), 1)
# setting dispatch target arrays in SSC inputs
for key in self.DT.keys():
self.sscapi.data_set_array(self.sscdata, key.encode("utf-8"), self.DT[key])
print("\nDispatch Targets do not exist for this configuration. \n Will write to {0}.\n".format(hash_filepath))
# setting dispatch series separately
dispatch_series = [1.2]*8760
self.sscapi.data_set_array( self.sscdata, b'dispatch_series', dispatch_series)
# cycle through JSON script, saving data as respective SSC Datatype, for Plant
plant_module, plant_module_name = self.set_ssc_data_from_dict(0)
return plant_module, plant_module_name
[docs] def set_ssc_data_from_dict(self, start_ind):
""" Method used to extract SSC data from a dictionary in a JSON script
Method adapted from LORE team (particularly the loop). It checks the
data type each entry of the JSON script SSC dictionary and uses the
appropriate SSC API method to store the data.
start_ind (int) : index of computer module (0: plant, 1: grid, 2: financial)
ssc_module (int) : some sort of data structure for the Plant (idk, PySSC stuff)
ssc_module_name (str) : name of Plant module, or the cmod SSC file
# defining compute module name to extract data from
module_name = 'compute_module_' + str(start_ind)
# defining 'book-end' to end data extraction
string_end = 'compute_module_' + str(start_ind+1) if start_ind != 2 else 'number_compute_modules'
# local instance of SSC objects
sscdict = self.sscdict
sscapi = self.sscapi
sscdata = self.sscdata
# cycle through all SSC dicts from the JSON script
for key in sscdict.keys():
# skip the first instance that holds the SSC module name
if key == module_name:
# end the loop if we hit the book-end string
elif key == string_end:
# otherwise, try to get all values in between book-ends
# set numbers if data is either int or float
if type(sscdict[key]) in [int, float]:
sscapi.data_set_number(sscdata, key.encode("utf-8"), sscdict[key])
# set boolean if data is boolean
elif type(sscdict[key]) == bool:
sscapi.data_set_number(sscdata, key.encode("utf-8"), 1 if sscdict[key] else 0)
# set string if data is a str
elif type(sscdict[key]) == str:
sscapi.data_set_string(sscdata, key.encode("utf-8"), sscdict[key].encode("utf-8"))
# set matrix or array if data is a list
elif type(sscdict[key]) == list:
if len(sscdict[key]) > 0:
if type(sscdict[key][0]) == list:
sscapi.data_set_matrix(sscdata, key.encode("utf-8"), sscdict[key])
sscapi.data_set_array(sscdata, key.encode("utf-8"), sscdict[key])
#print ("Did not assign empty array " + key)
# re-run loop for this key if data entry is a dict
elif type(sscdict[key]) == dict:
# TODO: fix this, so far there are no dicts defined within the SSC dict
table = sscapi.data_create()
self.set_sscdata_from_dict(sscapi, table, sscdict[key])
sscapi.data_set_table(sscdata, key.encode("utf-8"), table)
# raise error if key not found
print ("Could not assign variable " + key )
raise KeyError
# raise error for unknown data type
print ("Error assigning variable " + key + ": bad data type")
# save module name and module object to return
ssc_module_name = sscdict[module_name]
ssc_module = sscapi.module_create(ssc_module_name.encode("utf-8"))
# update SSC objects saved to self
self.sscdict = sscdict
self.sscapi = sscapi
self.sscdata = sscdata
return ssc_module, ssc_module_name
[docs] def run_module(self, module, name):
""" Method used to run a given SSC module through PySSC
Method adapted from LORE team (particularly the loop). It runs the given
module (Plant, Grid, Financial) by calling SSC through the SSC API.
module (int) : some sort of data structure for the Plant (idk, PySSC stuff)
module_name (str) : name of Plant module, or the cmod SSC file
module (int) : updated module with SSC results
sscdata = self.sscdata
sscapi = self.sscapi
sscapi.module_exec_set_print( 0 )
if sscapi.module_exec(module, sscdata) == 0:
print (' ' + name + ' simulation error')
idx = 1
msg = sscapi.module_log(module, 0)
while (msg != None):
print (' : ' + msg.decode("utf - 8"))
msg = sscapi.module_log(module, idx)
idx = idx + 1
SystemExit( "Simulation Error" )
self.sscapi = sscapi
self.sscdata = sscdata
return module
[docs] def init_grid_module(self):
""" Method to initialize the Grid module within PySSC
This method creates the Grid module using SSC data from csv files
as well as from the SSC_dict within the specified JSON script.
grid_module (int) : some sort of data structure for the Grid mod (idk, PySSC stuff)
grid_module_name (str) : name of Grid module, or the cmod SSC file
slash = '/'.encode("utf-8")
# file location
grid_file = self.samsim_dir + slash + self.pysam_dict['grid_file'].encode("utf-8")
# get array from csv file for grid curtailment
self.sscapi.data_set_array_from_csv( self.sscdata, b'grid_curtailment', grid_file)
# cycle through JSON script, saving data as respective SSC Datatype, for Grid
grid_mod, grid_name = self.set_ssc_data_from_dict(1)
return grid_mod, grid_name
[docs] def init_fin_module(self):
""" Method to initialize the Financial module within PySSC
This method creates the Financial module using SSC data from the
SSC_dict within the specified JSON script.
fin_module (int) : some sort of data structure for the Financial mod (idk, PySSC stuff)
fin_module_name (str) : name of Financial module, or the cmod SSC file
# cycle through JSON script, saving data as respective SSC Datatype, for Grid
fin_mod, fin_name = self.set_ssc_data_from_dict(2)
return fin_mod, fin_name
[docs] def generate_hash(self):
""" Method to create unique hash for given JSON inputs
This method creates a unique, permanent hash for a given JSON script.
That is, it gathers all of the JSON inputs (including SSC and PySAM inputs)
from the designated script and converts both their keynames and values
to strings. It collects all of these into a single string variable and
then creates a new hexadecimal string or "hash" for that giant string.
This serves as a unique identifier or "fingerprint" for all the values
in the JSON script. This is then used later on as the file name containing
outputs from this particular run. Any small changes to the JSON script
will result in a drastically different hash, and therefore a new output file.
If a simulation has already been run with the given JSON script, it can
just pull results from the already created hash file instead of needlessly
repeating the simulation.
hash_exists (bool):
if True, a hash file currently exists with all given JSON inputs
filepath (str):
absolute filepath to the hash file in outputs directory
# static start of the filename
filename = "NuclearTES__" if self.sscdict['compute_module_0'] == 'nuclear_tes' else \
"SolarTES__" if self.sscdict['compute_module_0'] == 'tcsmolten_salt' else \
"DualPlantTES__" if self.sscdict['compute_module_0'] == 'nuclear_mspt_tes' else \
if self.sscdict['compute_module_0'] == 'nuclear_mspt_indirect_tes':
filename = 'IndirectNuclearTES__' if self.sscdict['q_dot_rec_des'] == 0 else 'DualIndirectTES__'
# initializing empty string
extstr = ''
# adding SSC dictionary names and values to the existing string
sscdict = self.sscdict
for s in sscdict.keys():
extstr += "{0}: {1} ".format( s, str(sscdict[s]) )
# adding PySAM dictionary names and values to the existing string
pysamdict = self.pysam_dict
for p in pysamdict.keys():
extstr += "{0}: {1} ".format( p, str(pysamdict[p]) )
# creating a unique hash from giant string of values using md5 algorithm
json_hash = hashlib.md5( extstr.encode('utf-8') ).hexdigest()
# adding the unique hexadecimal hash to the starting filename string
filename += json_hash
# creating full path to output hash file
filepath = os.path.join( FileMethods.output_dir , filename + '.dispatchTargets')
# checking if this current hash exists already
hash_exists = os.path.exists(filepath)
return hash_exists, filepath
[docs] def get_array(self, out_str):
""" Method to extract data from SSC results
This method gets SSC outputs and converts it to arrays.
out_str (str) : string name of the desired output
out_array (ndarray) : SSC result in array form
ssc = self.sscapi
data = self.sscdata
out_array = ssc.data_get_array(data,out_str.encode('utf-8'))
out_array = np.asarray(out_array)
return out_array
if __name__ == "__main__":
pw = PySSCWrapper()