Source code for simulations.util.SSCHelperMethods

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri May  7 10:50:27 2021

@author: gabrielsoto

import numpy as np
import pint
from numba import jit
from pyomo.environ import units
from util.FileMethods import FileMethods
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit,fsolve

from iapws import IAPWS97

[docs]class SSCHelperMethods(object): """ The SSCHelperMethods class is a util class for any auxilliary methods that help us link up better with SSC or create better inputs for SSC. Typically for methods that can be used across all modules and dispatchers, so better to keep in one designated area. """
[docs] def define_unit_registry(): """ Method to define unique unit registry from Pint This method creates a unique unit registry from the Pint Python package. This unit registry object is passed through classes to ensure that all use the same units. Outputs: u_pint (obj) : pint UnitRegistry object """ # create unique unit registry u_pint = pint.UnitRegistry(autoconvert_offset_to_baseunit = True) # define currency units u_pint.define('USD = [currency]') u_pint.define('cents = 0.01 USD') # defining aliases u_pint.define('@alias USD = dollar') u_pint.define('@alias cents = cent') return u_pint
[docs] def convert_to_pyomo_unit(params, param_str): """ Method to evaluate a Pyomo unit from a given Pint unit This method was created because Pyomo Environment units and the Pint UnitRegistry use units in different ways and syntax. Pint seemed to have more functionality and use so I defaulted to using those in the generation and checking of Pyomo Parameters. Essentially what happens: (1) The entire `params` dictionary is taken as input as well as a single string for a specific parameter. (2) A string representation of the unit(s) are created from the input e.g. u.m/u.s -> 'meter / second' (3) The algorithm below checks for any weirdness -e.g. are there multiple units, are they being multiplied/divided? etc. (4) The algorithm then converts the string representation of the Pint unit into the syntax for a Pyomo Environment unit. (5) If all goes well, it will return the evaluation of the Pyomo unit string, so on the Return end of the function call it will return a Pyomo unit. Inputs: params (dict) : dictionary of all Pyomo parameters to be used in optimization param_str (str) : single string to be extracted from params dictionary Outputs: cmd (evaluated string) : evaluation of a string called `unit_cmd` representing Pyomo unit syntax. If failed, return None. """ u_pyomo = units # this line is necessary to carry out final evaluation Quant = params[param_str] # pint Quantity taken from params dictionary if hasattr(Quant,'u'): Unit = Quant.u # Unit object of the previous pint Quantity unit_str = Unit.format_babel() # retrieving string representation of unit unit_cmd_start = 'u_pyomo.' # start of command, calling pyomo unit package # empty list of unit strings clean_str_mult = [] # clean strings for multiplied units clean_str_div = [] # clean strings for divided units str_contains_multipl = False # flag for finding multiplication str_contains_division = False # flag for finding division during the multiplicative search unit_str_division = [] # empty, used to log division terms in multiplicative search # are any units multiplied? all multiplicative terms are automatically moved to the first terms if unit_str.find('*') != -1: # flag that multiplication exists str_contains_multipl = True # split unit str between multiplications unit_strs_mult = unit_str.split('*') # cycle through string split by '*' for m in range(len(unit_strs_mult)): # for each split, making sure we don't grab blank spaces clean_strs_mult = unit_strs_mult[m].split(' ') # indeces of parts of string without blank spaces clean_inds_mult = [bool(len(clean_strs_mult[x]) != 0) for x in range(len(clean_strs_mult))] # log necessary unit strings clean_str_mult.append( np.extract(clean_inds_mult, clean_strs_mult)[0] ) # checking if any of the strings contain division symbols if unit_strs_mult[m].find('/') != -1: str_contains_division = True # flag for finding division during the multiplicative search unit_str_division = unit_strs_mult[m] # log division terms in multiplicative searchs # are any units divided? all divided terms are automatically moved to the last terms if unit_str.find('/') != -1: # use the previously found string with division in it, else just use the input unit_str_div = unit_str_division if str_contains_division else unit_str # flag that division exists str_contains_division = True # split unit str between multiplications unit_strs_div = unit_str_div.split('/') # cycle through string split by '/' for n in range(len(unit_strs_div)): # for each split, making sure we don't grab blank spaces clean_strs_div = unit_strs_div[n].split(' ') # indeces of parts of string without blank spaces clean_inds_div = [bool(len(clean_strs_div[x]) != 0) for x in range(len(clean_strs_div))] # grab extracted clean string possible_str = np.extract(clean_inds_div,clean_strs_div)[0] # log necessary unit strings if possible_str in clean_str_mult: # duplicative term pass else: # log term clean_str_div.append( possible_str ) # collecting all units unit_cmd = '' # multiplication if str_contains_multipl: unit_cmd += unit_cmd_start + ('*'+unit_cmd_start).join(clean_str_mult) # division if str_contains_division: unit_cmd_div_start = '/' if str_contains_multipl else '' unit_cmd += unit_cmd_div_start+unit_cmd_start + ('/'+unit_cmd_start).join(clean_str_div) # neither if str_contains_division is False and str_contains_multipl is False: unit_cmd += unit_cmd_start + unit_str return eval(unit_cmd) else: return None
[docs] def interpret_user_defined_cycle_data(ud_array): """ Method to return user defined cycle data (written by LORE team) Inputs: ud_array (list of list) : table of user defined data as nested lists Outputs: output_dict (dict) : dictionary of useful values from table """ data = np.array(ud_array) i0 = 0 nT = np.where(np.diff(data[i0::,0])<0)[0][0] + 1 Tpts = data[i0:i0+nT,0] mlevels = [data[j,1] for j in [i0,i0+nT,i0+2*nT]] i0 = 3*nT nm = np.where(np.diff(data[i0::,1])<0)[0][0] + 1 mpts = data[i0:i0+nm,1] Tamblevels = [data[j,2] for j in [i0,i0+nm,i0+2*nm]] i0 = 3*nT + 3*nm nTamb = np.where(np.diff(data[i0::,2])<0)[0][0] + 1 Tambpts = data[i0:i0+nTamb,2] Tlevels = [data[j,0] for j in [i0,i0+nm,i0+2*nm]] output_dict = {'nT':nT, 'Tpts':Tpts, 'Tlevels':Tlevels, 'nm':nm, 'mpts':mpts, 'mlevels':mlevels, 'nTamb':nTamb, 'Tambpts':Tambpts, 'Tamblevels':Tamblevels} return output_dict
[docs] def get_cp_htf( u, T, rec_htf, interp=None): """ Method to calculate specific heat of some heat transfer fluid (written by LORE team) Inputs: u (unitRegistry) : Pint unit registry T (float Quant) : Temperature at which to find specific heat of HTF, in units of Kelvin rec_htf (int) : integer value representing HTF in SSC table Outputs: cp (float Quant) : specific heat value in J/g/K """ T ='kelvin') # HTF: 17 = Salt (60% NaNO3, 40% KNO3) if rec_htf == 17: a = -1.0e-10 * u.J/u.g/u.kelvin**4 b = 2.0e-7 * u.J/u.g/u.kelvin**3 c = 5.0e-6 * u.J/u.g/u.kelvin**2 d = 1.4387 * u.J/u.g/u.kelvin cp = (a*T**3 + b*T**2 + c*T + d).to('J/g/kelvin') # HTF: 4 = Steam (Supercritical Steam) elif rec_htf == 4: # steam data retrieved @ 33MPa from: # cp = interp(T.m) cp = cp * u.J / u.g / u.kelvin else: print ('HTF %d not recognized'%rec_htf) return 0.0 return cp
[docs] def get_rho_htf( u, T, rec_htf): """ Method to calculate density of some heat transfer fluid This method calculates density at average temperature for a heat transfer fluid. In our case, we use molten salt. This method is copied from SSC, specifically the htf_props cpp method. Inputs: u (unitRegistry) : Pint unit registry T (float Quant) : Temperature at which to find specific heat of HTF, in units of Kelvin rec_htf (int) : integer value representing HTF in SSC table Outputs: rho (float Quant) : fluid density value in kg/m^3 """ # HTF: 17 = Salt (60% NaNO3, 40% KNO3) if rec_htf != 17: print ('HTF %d not recognized'%rec_htf) return 0.0 T ='kelvin') a = -1.0e-07 ***3/u.kelvin**3 b = 0.0002 ***3/u.kelvin**2 c = -0.7875 ***3/u.kelvin d = 2299.4 ***3 max_rho = 1000.0 ***3 rho = (a*T**3 + b*T**2 + c*T + d).to('kg/m^3') rho = max(rho, max_rho) return rho
[docs] def get_visc_htf( u, T, rec_htf): """ Method to calculate viscosity of some heat transfer fluid (written by LORE team) Inputs: u (unitRegistry) : Pint unit registry T (float Quant) : Temperature at which to find specific heat of HTF, in units of Kelvin rec_htf (int) : integer value representing HTF in SSC table Outputs: visc (float Quant) : viscosity value in Ns/m^2 """ # HTF: 17 = Salt (60% NaNO3, 40% KNO3) if rec_htf != 17: print ('HTF %d not recognized'%rec_htf) return 0.0 T ='celsius') a = -1.473302e-10 * u.N*u.s/u.m**2/u.delta_degC**3 b = 2.279989e-7 * u.N*u.s/u.m**2/u.delta_degC**2 c = -1.199514e-4 * u.N*u.s/u.m**2/u.delta_degC d = 0.02270616 * u.N*u.s/u.m**2 max_visc = 1e-4 * u.N*u.s/u.m**2 visc = (a*T**3 + b*T**2 + c*T + d).to('N*s/m^2') visc = max(visc, max_visc) return visc
[docs] def get_ambient_T_corrections_from_udpc_inputs( u, Tamb, ud_array): """ Method to calculate specific heat of some heat transfer fluid (written by LORE team) Inputs: u (unitRegistry) : Pint unit registry Tamb (float) : ambient temperature, not units (intended to be C) ud_array (list of lists) : table of user defined data as nested lists Outputs: etamult (float) : multiplication correction factor for eta wmult (float) : multiplication correction factor for w """ # grabbing a dictionary of useful user-defined data for power cycle ud_dict = SSCHelperMethods.interpret_user_defined_cycle_data( ud_array ) n = len(Tamb) # Tamb = set of ambient temperature points for each dispatch time step Tambpts = np.array(ud_dict['Tambpts'])*u.degC i0 = 3*ud_dict['nT']+3*ud_dict['nm']+ud_dict['nTamb'] # first index in udpc data corresponding to performance at design point HTF T, and design point mass flow npts = ud_dict['nTamb'] etapts = [ ud_array[j][3]/ud_array[j][4] for j in range(i0, i0+npts)] wpts = [ ud_array[j][5] for j in range(i0, i0+npts)] etamult = np.ones(n) wmult = np.ones(n) Tstep = Tambpts[1] - Tambpts[0] for j in range(n): i = max(0, min( int((Tamb[j] - Tambpts[0]) / Tstep), npts-2) ) r = (Tamb[j] - Tambpts[i]) / Tstep etamult[j] = etapts[i] + (etapts[i+1] - etapts[i])*r wmult[j] = wpts[i] + (wpts[i+1] - wpts[i])*r return etamult, wmult
[docs] def get_linearized_ud_params( ud_array, q_pb_design, SSC_dict): """ Method to calculate linearized user defined params (written by LORE team) Inputs: ud_array (list of lists) : table of user defined data as nested lists q_pb_design (float Quant) : power block thermal power input rating, units of MW SSC_dict (dict) : dictionary of SSC inputs Outputs: etap (float) : slope of linearized eta_p b (float) : intercept of linearized eta_p """ # grabbing a dictionary of useful user-defined data for power cycle ud_dict = SSCHelperMethods.interpret_user_defined_cycle_data( ud_array ) # getting relevant eta points eta_adj_pts = [ud_array[p][3]/ud_array[p][4] for p in range(len(ud_array)) ] xpts = ud_dict['mpts'] step = xpts[1] - xpts[0] # Interpolate for cycle performance at specified min/max load points fpts = [SSC_dict['cycle_cutoff_frac'], SSC_dict['cycle_max_frac']] q, eta = [ [] for v in range(2)] for j in range(2): p = max(0, min(int((fpts[j] - xpts[0]) / step), len(xpts)-2) ) # Find first point in user-defined array of load fractions for interpolation i = 3*ud_dict['nT'] + ud_dict['nm'] + p # Index of point in full list of udpc points (at design point ambient T) eta_adj = eta_adj_pts[i] + (eta_adj_pts[i+1] - eta_adj_pts[i])/step * (fpts[j] - xpts[p]) eta.append(eta_adj * SSC_dict['design_eff']) q.append(fpts[j]*q_pb_design) # calculating eta_P as linear slope using max and min power/thermal output/input etap = (q[1]*eta[1]-q[0]*eta[0])/(q[1]-q[0]) # intercept of linearized eta_P b = q[1]*(eta[1] - etap) return etap, b
[docs] def estimate_receiver_pumping_parasitic( u, Tavg, dm_rec_design, SSC_dict, nonheated_length = 0.2): """ Method to calculate pumping parasitic of receiver (written by LORE team) Inputs: u (unitRegistry) : Pint unit registry Tavg (float Quant) : average temperature of plant, K dm_rec_design (float Quant) : power block thermal power input rating, units of MW SSC_dict (dict) : dictionary of SSC inputs nonheated_length (float) : non-heated length of total receiver height Outputs: etap (float) : slope of linearized eta_p b (float) : intercept of linearized eta_p """ if dm_rec_design == 0: return 0*u.MW # flow parameters rho = SSCHelperMethods.get_rho_htf( u, Tavg, SSC_dict['rec_htf'] ) visc = SSCHelperMethods.get_visc_htf( u, Tavg, SSC_dict['rec_htf'] ) # some design parameters D_rec = SSC_dict['D_rec'] * u.m N_panels = SSC_dict['N_panels'] d_tube_out = SSC_dict['d_tube_out'] * th_tube = SSC_dict['th_tube'] * rec_height = SSC_dict['rec_height'] * u.m h_tower = SSC_dict['h_tower'] * u.m eta_pump = SSC_dict['eta_pump'] g0 = 9.8 * u.m / u.s**2 # number of flow paths npath = 1 nperpath = SSC_dict['N_panels'] if SSC_dict['Flow_type'] == 1 or SSC_dict['Flow_type'] == 2: npath = 2 nperpath = int(SSC_dict['N_panels']/2) elif SSC_dict['Flow_type'] == 9: npath = int(SSC_dict['N_panels']/2) nperpath = 2 # ============================ # fluid mechanics of the pump # tube dimensions ntube = int(np.pi * D_rec / N_panels / d_tube_out) # Number of tubes per panel m_per_tube = dm_rec_design / npath / ntube # kg/s per tube tube_id = d_tube_out - 2*th_tube # Tube ID in m Ac = ( 0.25*np.pi*(tube_id**2) ).to('mm^2') # flow velocities and fluid mechanics vel = (m_per_tube / rho / Ac).to('mm/s') # HTF velocity Re = (rho * vel * tube_id / visc).to('') # Reynolds number EoverD = (4.6e-5*u.m) / tube_id # roughness factor (E/D) # friction factor ff = (-1.737*np.log(0.269*EoverD - 2.185/Re*np.log(0.269*EoverD+14.5/Re)))**-2 fd = 4*ff # total height and frictional pressure drop Htot = rec_height * (1 + nonheated_length) dp = 0.5*fd*rho*(vel**2) * (Htot/tube_id + 4*30 + 2*16) * nperpath # Frictional pressure drop (Pa) (straight tube, 90deg bends, 45def bends) dp ='N/m^2') # gravitational pressure drop dp += rho * g0 * h_tower # Add pressure drop from pumping up the tower if nperpath%2 == 1: dp += rho * g0 * Htot # pumpimg parasitic wdot = dp * dm_rec_design / rho / eta_pump # Pumping parasitic at design point reciever mass flow rate (MWe) wdot ='MW') return wdot
[docs] def get_pc_persist_and_off_logs( param_dict, plant, npts ): """ Method to log the amount of time Power Cycle has been ON and OFF This method uses SSC output data from the previous run to log how long the Power Cycle has been both ON and OFF. One of the two outputs will be populated in this method, and there are a bunch of logic statements to correctly log the respective length of time. Method adapted from LORE Team. TODO: can we just input another dictionary instead of passing the full Plant? Inputs: param_dict (dict) : dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters plant (obj) : the full PySAM Plant object. npts (int) : length of the SSC horizon Outputs: disp_pc_persist0 (int) : length of time PC has been ON in the past segment disp_pc_off0 (int) : length of time PC has been OFF in the past segment """ # cycle state before start of most recent set of simulation calls previous_pc_state = plant.SystemControl.pc_op_mode_initial # cycle state after most recent set of simulation calls tmp_final_op_mode = plant.Outputs.pc_op_mode_final current_pc_state = tmp_final_op_mode if type(tmp_final_op_mode) == float \ else tmp_final_op_mode[npts-1] # times when cycle is not generating power tslice = slice(0,npts,1) is_pc_not_on = np.array( plant.Outputs.P_cycle[tslice] ) <= 1.e-3 ###=== Persist Log ===### # if PC is ON if current_pc_state == 1: # array of times (PC was generating power == True) is_pc_current = np.array( plant.Outputs.P_cycle[tslice] ) > 1.e-3 # if PC is STANDBY elif current_pc_state == 2: # array of times (PC was generating power == False) + (PC getting input energy == True) + (PC using startup power == False) is_pc_current = np.logical_and( \ np.logical_and( \ np.array( plant.Outputs.P_cycle[tslice] ) <= 1.e-3, np.array( plant.Outputs.q_pb[tslice] ) >= 1.e-3 ), \ np.array( plant.Outputs.q_dot_pc_startup[tslice] ) <= 1.e-3 ) # if PC is STARTUP elif current_pc_state == 0: # array of times (PC using startup power == True) is_pc_current = np.array( plant.Outputs.q_dot_pc_startup[tslice] ) > 1.e-3 # if PC is OFF elif current_pc_state == 3: # array of times (PC getting input energy + PC using startup power == False) is_pc_current = (np.array( plant.Outputs.q_dot_pc_startup[tslice] ) + np.array( plant.Outputs.q_pb[tslice] ) ) <= 1.e-3 ###=== Indexing ===### ssc_time_step = 1 # 1 hour per time step n = npts # length of ssc horizon ###=== OFF Log ===### # if PC is ON if current_pc_state == 1: # returning 0 for OFF log disp_pc_off0 = 0.0 # if PC is OFF for full simulated horizon elif is_pc_not_on.sum() == n: # add all OFF positions in this current horizon to existing OFF log disp_pc_off0 = param_dict['Yd0'].to('hr').m + n*ssc_time_step # if PC is OFF for some portion of current horizon else: # find indeces of changed OFF state i = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(is_pc_not_on)) == 1)[0][-1] # use index to find length of times PC was oFF disp_pc_off0 = int(n-1-i)*ssc_time_step ###=== Final Indexing and Logging ===### # Plant has not changed state over this simulation window: if n == 1 or np.abs(np.diff(is_pc_current)).max() == 0: # adding to existing persist array from Dispatch Params dictionary if state continued disp_pc_persist0 = n*ssc_time_step if previous_pc_state != current_pc_state else param_dict['Yu0'].to('hr').m + n*ssc_time_step # Plant *has* changed state over this simulation window: else: # find indeces of changed state i = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(is_pc_current)) == 1)[0][-1] # use index to find length of times PC was ON disp_pc_persist0 = int(n-1-i)*ssc_time_step return disp_pc_persist0, disp_pc_off0
[docs] def linearize_indirectTES_eff(propn_LFR_flow = 0.8): raw_data = \ """TF Temp HTF mdot Ambient T Wdot cycle Heat In 500 0.300 30 0.237641861 0.31466289 504.2 0.300 30 0.242543393 0.318919287 508.4 0.300 30 0.247479625 0.323186151 512.6 0.300 30 0.252450559 0.327456504 516.8 0.300 30 0.257447519 0.331737323 521.1 0.300 30 0.262470504 0.336021631 525.3 0.300 30 0.267528191 0.340312917 529.5 0.300 30 0.272611903 0.34461118 533.7 0.300 30 0.277721641 0.348916421 537.9 0.300 30 0.28286608 0.35322864 542.1 0.300 30 0.288036545 0.357544348 546.3 0.300 30 0.293241711 0.361867033 550.5 0.300 30 0.298464228 0.366196696 554.7 0.300 30 0.303712771 0.370533337 558.9 0.300 30 0.308996014 0.374873467 563.2 0.300 30 0.314305284 0.379220574 567.4 0.300 30 0.319631904 0.38357117 571.6 0.300 30 0.3250019 0.387932233 575.8 0.300 30 0.330389247 0.392293296 580 0.300 30 0.335811295 0.396664825 500 1.000 30 0.766426017 0.810896011 504.2 1.000 30 0.782518656 0.824028044 508.4 1.000 30 0.798672022 0.837187987 512.6 1.000 30 0.81489479 0.850382818 516.8 1.000 30 0.83118696 0.863602072 521.1 1.000 30 0.847548532 0.876849236 525.3 1.000 30 0.863962156 0.890120822 529.5 1.000 30 0.880427832 0.903420319 533.7 1.000 30 0.896954234 0.916744238 537.9 1.000 30 0.913524013 0.930092579 542.1 1.000 30 0.930137169 0.943461853 546.3 1.000 30 0.946802376 0.956855549 550.5 1.000 30 0.963493608 0.970266689 554.7 1.000 30 0.980228218 0.98370574 558.9 1.000 30 0.996980177 0.997158747 563.2 1.000 30 1.013766838 1.010632686 567.4 1.000 30 1.030562174 1.02412407 571.6 1.000 30 1.047383536 1.037636387 575.8 1.000 30 1.064213574 1.051162659 580 1.000 30 1.081052286 1.064706376 500 1.200 30 0.889051057 0.924098734 504.2 1.200 30 0.907668201 0.939515964 508.4 1.200 30 0.926337397 0.954957615 512.6 1.200 30 0.94504997 0.970434154 516.8 1.200 30 0.963788568 0.985938605 521.1 1.200 30 0.982561867 1.001477943 525.3 1.200 30 1.001361192 1.017034727 529.5 1.200 30 1.020169193 1.032622909 533.7 1.200 30 1.038985868 1.048232025 537.9 1.200 30 1.057802544 1.063865563 542.1 1.200 30 1.076593194 1.079513056 546.3 1.200 30 1.095375169 1.095184971 550.5 1.200 30 1.114122442 1.110867353 554.7 1.200 30 1.132835014 1.126570668 558.9 1.200 30 1.15148686 1.14228096 563.2 1.200 30 1.170077978 1.158008697 567.4 1.200 30 1.188591019 1.173739923 571.6 1.200 30 1.207025983 1.189481615 575.8 1.200 30 1.225348168 1.205223307 580 1.200 30 1.243566249 1.220971977 560 0.300 0 0.338665461 0.375968966 560 0.347 0 0.396304002 0.425821147 560 0.395 0 0.452910184 0.474173122 560 0.442 0 0.508414606 0.521171423 560 0.490 0 0.562947396 0.567074225 560 0.537 0 0.616161545 0.611700108 560 0.584 0 0.668221882 0.655261892 560 0.632 0 0.719102381 0.697829354 560 0.679 0 0.768976549 0.739580424 560 0.726 0 0.817532074 0.780323217 560 0.774 0 0.864916436 0.820221708 560 0.821 0 0.910426939 0.859314275 560 0.868 0 0.9546188 0.89774396 560 0.916 0 0.997622148 0.935311899 560 0.963 0 1.039532411 0.97214718 560 1.010 0 1.080297537 1.008274224 560 1.058 0 1.119978254 1.043808163 560 1.105 0 1.158279602 1.078543156 560 1.153 0 1.195236281 1.112590845 560 1.200 0 1.230761541 1.14595472 560 0.300 30 0.310323332 0.375958499 560 0.347 30 0.363129742 0.425817658 560 0.395 30 0.415155378 0.474176611 560 0.442 30 0.466356863 0.521185378 560 0.490 30 0.51685565 0.567095158 560 0.537 30 0.566348105 0.611728019 560 0.584 30 0.614947006 0.655303758 560 0.632 30 0.66266103 0.697885175 560 0.679 30 0.709602953 0.73965369 560 0.726 30 0.755469142 0.780410438 560 0.774 30 0.800398402 0.820326374 560 0.821 30 0.844347355 0.859436385 560 0.868 30 0.887420105 0.897883514 560 0.916 30 0.929330368 0.935465408 560 0.963 30 0.970156221 0.972318133 560 1.010 30 1.009854288 1.008462622 560 1.058 30 1.048476621 1.044010516 560 1.105 30 1.085728261 1.078762953 560 1.153 30 1.121643907 1.112831576 560 1.200 30 1.156145484 1.146212895 560 0.300 55 0.233850765 0.375951522 560 0.347 55 0.276411674 0.42581068 560 0.395 55 0.318894505 0.474169633 560 0.442 55 0.361195156 0.52118189 560 0.490 55 0.403330976 0.567095158 560 0.537 55 0.444989656 0.611734997 560 0.584 55 0.486205897 0.655317714 560 0.632 55 0.526944997 0.697909597 560 0.679 55 0.567250334 0.739688579 560 0.726 55 0.606826947 0.78046626 560 0.774 55 0.64576159 0.820403128 560 0.821 55 0.683993536 0.859534072 560 0.868 55 0.721748341 0.898009113 560 0.916 55 0.758652969 0.935618918 560 0.963 55 0.794672719 0.972499554 560 1.010 55 0.829738188 1.008671953 560 1.058 55 0.863858053 1.044254736 560 1.105 55 0.896763378 1.079035084 560 1.153 55 0.928471515 1.113135106 560 1.200 55 0.958869686 1.146551313 500 1.000 0 0.830649092 0.810742502 500 1.000 2.895 0.830649092 0.810742502 500 1.000 5.789 0.830649092 0.810742502 500 1.000 8.684 0.830649092 0.810742502 500 1.000 11.58 0.830067849 0.810745991 500 1.000 14.47 0.827508642 0.810759946 500 1.000 17.37 0.822468306 0.810780879 500 1.000 20.26 0.814435 0.810805301 500 1.000 23.16 0.803200516 0.810833212 500 1.000 26.05 0.789146568 0.810857634 500 1.000 28.95 0.77277632 0.810885545 500 1.000 31.84 0.7549226 0.810913456 500 1.000 34.74 0.736123275 0.810934389 500 1.000 37.63 0.717089717 0.810955322 500 1.000 40.53 0.698108211 0.810976255 500 1.000 43.42 0.67959517 0.81099021 500 1.000 46.32 0.661628672 0.811000677 500 1.000 49.21 0.644434273 0.811004166 500 1.000 52.11 0.627942571 0.811004166 500 1.000 55 0.612283696 0.810993699 560 1.000 0 1.071379353 1.000344067 560 1.000 2.895 1.071379353 1.000344067 560 1.000 5.789 1.071379353 1.000344067 560 1.000 8.684 1.071379353 1.000344067 560 1.000 11.58 1.070589902 1.000347556 560 1.000 14.47 1.067874541 1.000365 560 1.000 17.37 1.062539245 1.000385933 560 1.000 20.26 1.053968072 1.000413844 560 1.000 23.16 1.041831359 1.000445244 560 1.000 26.05 1.026432743 1.000480132 560 1.000 28.95 1.008275388 1.000515021 560 1.000 31.84 0.988226823 1.00054642 560 1.000 34.74 0.966902992 1.000581309 560 1.000 37.63 0.945084671 1.000612709 560 1.000 40.53 0.92313622 1.000640619 560 1.000 43.42 0.901578157 1.00066853 560 1.000 46.32 0.880514584 1.000692952 560 1.000 49.21 0.860240462 1.000710396 560 1.000 52.11 0.840703738 1.000724352 560 1.000 55 0.822069244 1.000731329 580 1.000 0 1.153239266 1.064511 580 1.000 2.895 1.153239266 1.064511 580 1.000 5.789 1.153239266 1.064511 580 1.000 8.684 1.153239266 1.064511 580 1.000 11.58 1.152406439 1.064517978 580 1.000 14.47 1.149621675 1.064531933 580 1.000 17.37 1.144173601 1.064556355 580 1.000 20.26 1.135402896 1.064587755 580 1.000 23.16 1.122953874 1.064619155 580 1.000 26.05 1.107112818 1.064657532 580 1.000 28.95 1.088391571 1.06469242 580 1.000 31.84 1.067648983 1.064730798 580 1.000 34.74 1.045527027 1.064765686 580 1.000 37.63 1.022841178 1.064800575 580 1.000 40.53 0.999964473 1.064835463 580 1.000 43.42 0.977443454 1.064866863 580 1.000 46.32 0.9553909 1.064894774 580 1.000 49.21 0.934119121 1.064915707 580 1.000 52.11 0.913602091 1.06493664 580 1.000 55 0.89400464 1.064947107""" #This function is used to parse the above table def get_x_and_PQ(raw_data): lines = raw_data.split("\n")[1:] y1=[] #W y2=[] #Q x=[[],[],[]] #Tf,mdot,Tamb for line in lines: items = line.strip().split() for j in range(3): x[j].append(float(items[j])) y1.append(float(items[3])) y2.append(float(items[4])) return x,y1,y2 #parse the Hamilton data x,raw_P,raw_Q= get_x_and_PQ(raw_data) #Turn Hamilton Data into Numpy arrays x=np.array(x) raw_P=np.array(raw_P) raw_Q=np.array(raw_Q) #Add 73K to the hot temperature to match the Westinghouse design point of 633C x[0]+=73 def fn(x,a,b,c,d, e, f, g, h, i, j ): result= a+b*x[0]+c*x[1]+d*x[2] result+= e*x[0]*x[1] result+= f*x[1]*x[2] result+= g*x[0]*x[2] result+= h*x[0]**2 result+= i*x[1]**2 result+=j*x[2]**2 return result def find_popt(x,y,fn): popt,pcov=curve_fit(fn,x,y) predict=fn(x,*popt) residual=np.sum((y-predict)**2) # print(residual) return predict,popt predict_P,popt_P = find_popt(x,raw_P,fn) predict_Q,popt_Q = find_popt(x,raw_Q,fn) P=[] Q=[] for j,T_CSP in enumerate([550,633]): #Proportion of turbine rating delivered by LFR only at full power . Can change T_amb = 32.44 #C Ambient wec_P = 465.0 #MW LFR electrical power design_P = wec_P/propn_LFR_flow #MW T_LFR = 633 #C source: Westinghouse PEPSE pressure = 33 #MPa source: westinghouse mdot_lfr_only = wec_P/design_P #mdot at which Salt2Steam kicks in #Steam properties lfr_steam = IAPWS97(T=T_LFR+273.15,P=pressure) csp_steam = IAPWS97(T=T_CSP+273.15,P=pressure) y=[[],[],[]] #Tf,mdot,T_amb #Vary mdot to get different P and Q mdots = [0.01]+[0.1*j for j in range(1,20)] for mdot in mdots: #calculate the temperature of the hot stream y[1].append(mdot) y[2].append(T_amb) if mdot<=mdot_lfr_only: y[0].append(T_LFR) else: #Mass-flow weighted enthalpy to turbine - then get temperature h = (lfr_steam.h*mdot_lfr_only+csp_steam.h*(mdot-mdot_lfr_only))/mdot T_mix = IAPWS97(h=h,P=pressure).T-273.15 y[0].append(T_mix) y = np.array(y) SAM_gen1 = fn(y,*popt_P) SAM_gen2 = fn(y,*popt_Q) Q.append(SAM_gen2) P.append(SAM_gen1) Q=np.array(Q) P=np.array(P) def plot_P_and_Q(P,Q): #Plot a straight line for each case going through mdot=100% m = np.divide(P[:,11]-P[:,9],Q[:,11]-Q[:,9]) c = P[:,10]-np.multiply(m,Q[:,10]) return m,c m,c=plot_P_and_Q(P,Q) Q2=np.array(Q) lfr_steam = IAPWS97(T=633+273.15,P=pressure) lfr_steam_s = lfr_steam.s def turbine_outlet(p): #find pressure ratio that gives turbine isentropic efficiency of 90% and outlet T=570C p=p[0] s2s_steam=IAPWS97(T=570+273.15,P=p) delta_h_s=(lfr_steam.h-s2s_steam.h)/0.9 s2s_steam_s=IAPWS97(h=lfr_steam.h-delta_h_s,P=p).s return s2s_steam_s-lfr_steam_s p=fsolve(turbine_outlet,[24])[0] s2s_steam = IAPWS97(T=570+273.15,P=p) #enthalpy of steam going to salt2steam cond_steam = IAPWS97(T=306,P=0.5) #enthalpy of steam at turbine exhaust extra_enthalpy = (lfr_steam.h-s2s_steam.h)/(lfr_steam.h-cond_steam.h) #the enthalpy that was extracted upstream of steam2salt relative to design point enthalpy #Now add this to Q2 for j in range(int(10*propn_LFR_flow)): Q2[:,j]+=(1-x[1][j])*extra_enthalpy #mass flow weighting (1-x[1][j] is the mass flow through the steam2salt HX) # print(lfr_steam.h,s2s_steam.h,cond_steam.h,extra_enthalpy) P2=np.array(P) for j in range(int(10*propn_LFR_flow)): P2[:,j]+=(1-y[1][j])*extra_enthalpy m2,c2=plot_P_and_Q(P2,Q2) return m2,c2