DualIndirectTES Scripts

Here is a list of relevant scripts for Model 1b and 2b.

In neup-ies/simulations/scripts/debugging__ModelB_scripts you can find a multitude of scripts used to debug Model 1b and 2b. These scripts are not as polished as the ones for Model 1a.

Debugging Scripts

Most of these scripts are found in the indtes branch of the neup-ies repository. They will be pushed to master soon.

  1. run_PySAM_model1b.py
    • Used to run PySAM cases for specified PC size and TES size

    • Isn’t used specifically for debugging, but saves Pyomo Dispatch targets that we can then use with PySSC to actually mixed-mode debug

  2. run_PySAM_model2b.py
    • Used to run PySAM cases for specified PC size and TES size

    • Isn’t used specifically for debugging, but saves Pyomo Dispatch targets that we can then use with PySSC to actually mixed-mode debug

  3. run_PySSC_model1b.py
    • Actually used for debugging

  4. run_PySSC_model2b.py
    • Actually used for debugging