NuclearTES Scripts¶
Here is a list of relevant scripts for Model 1a (LFR + TES). A lot of these scripts were used to generate data for the Energies paper (link here).
In neup-ies/simulations/scripts/output_scripts you can find a multitude of scripts to both generate data and convert existing data into figures.
Within that folder, there are some subfolders:
ANS2021Winter: scripts used to generate data for the ANS 2021 Winter Meeting back in November 2021
Model1Sweeps: data generation scripts, data automatically saved to the
directoryModel1Figures: scripts to take data from
and generate figures
Generating Data Used in Paper¶
Within Model1Sweeps…
Creates a tariff schedule from SAM Tariff rate with amplified peaks and troughs.
Amplification factor can be specified by user
Supposed to be a parameter sweep where the static params are the user-defined table (UDT) and tariff price schedule (TPS)
Variable parameters we sweep over are the PC size, TES size
This uses Cory’s empirical formula for overdesign turbine cost
- User specifies:
JSON script
tshours (as array)
P_ref (as array)
- Related scripts for stacking results from multiple runs together:
stacks results from multiple runs with different P_ref ranges
stacks results from multiple runs with different tshours ranges
Used these scripts because for a single parameter sweep, I would split the runs over several consoles/cores as a very manual parallelization
Supposed to be a parameter sweep where the static params are the user-defined table (UDT) and tariff price schedule (TPS)
Variable parameters we sweep over TES costs
- User specifies:
JSON script
tshours (discrete set)
P_ref (discrete set)
Within Model1Figures…
Generates a full year of simulation profiles
- User specifies:
JSON script
tshours (single value)
P_ref (single value)
Recreating Figures from Paper¶
All outputs from the previous section are saved to simulations/outputs/model1a_energies_paper Within Model1Figures…
Creates the violin plots for SAM Tariff rate results
Splits distributions between Winter vs Summer, Weekday vs Weekend
Calls on a util class called
which hosts a lot of methods used to make the violin plots
Creates the violin plots for CAISO Tariff rate results
Splits distributions between Winter vs Summer, Weekday vs Weekend
Calls on a util class called
which hosts a lot of methods used to make the violin plots
Creates the relative PPA heatmap plots for SAM Tariff rates of PC size vs TES size
Creates the relative PPA heatmap plot for CAISO Tariff rates of PC size vs TES size
Creates the 3x3 plots of TES Cost sensitivity
Creates the pricing multipliers as time series plot