Project Set-Up

Here is a brief overview of steps to set up the full project. Steps have been reproduced successfully in Ubuntu Focal 20.04.2 LTS.

Ultimately, through this process you will clone and build the SAM repositories:

You will also clone:

But don’t worry, I have added bash scripts to this neup-ies repository to automate the building process.


The neup-ies project must be cloned into a directory alongside the other SAM projects.

It is recommended that an environment variable $DEVDIR is created to represent this parent directory.

Add repository to your PYTHONPATH

First, open your bashrc file through an open terminal (or manually if you wish)

gedit $HOME/.bashrc

then add the lines

export DEVDIR=<full-path-to-parent-directory>
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$DEVDIR/neup-ies/simulations

Your $DEVDIR variable could be, for example: home/user_name/Documents/NE2. Then, the neup-ies as well as the SAM directories would be placed in the shown NE2 parent directory. The github line just facilitates cloning with an SSH key.

Next, clone this repository in the parent directory. Note that you must have an SSH key set up.

git clone

Build Debug Version of SAM

  • If running for the first time:

    1. Make sure you delete the following directories if they exist:
      • $DEVDIR/build_debug

      • $DEVDIR/ssc

      • $DEVDIR/sam

    2. create a CMakeLists file

      cd $DEVDIR
      touch CMakeLists.txt
      gedit CMakeLists.txt
    3. Fill in the file with:

      cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)
      Project(system_advisor_model VERSION 1.0.0)
      option(SAM_SKIP_TOOLS "Skips the sdktool and tcsconsole builds" ON)
      option(SAM_SKIP_TESTS "Skips building tests" ON)
      option(SAMAPI_EXPORT "Export of ssc binaries to the SAM_api directory; for Unix, compile ssc libraries for SAM_api" ON)
      option(SAM_SKIP_AUTOGEN "Re-generate the SAMAPI files from export_config" OFF)
    4. Follow these particular Linux Build instructions found at this link:
      • Platform Requirements

      • Step 1.2 only

      • Step 2 (all steps)
        • In step 2.4, the complete path I used was $DEVDIR/wxWidgets-3.1.1/lib/wx-3.1.1

    5. Run the bash script to build a debug version of SAM

      cd $DEVDIR/neup-ies
      source ./build_debug_SAM

      Bash script was created using steps found here for mixed-mode debugging.

    6. Verify that the project and libraries are built in the correct places:

      • There should be a new directory in $DEVDIR/build_debug.

      • There should be individual subdirectories for each of lk, wex, ssc, and sam

      • Check that $DEVDIR/build_debug/ssc/ssc/ library exists

      • Check that googletest created its libraries at $DEVDIR/googletest/build_debug/lib. These should be called libgtestd.a among others.

      • A CodeLite IDE workspace is created at $DEVDIR/build_debug/system_advisor_model.workspace

  • If rebuilding a new debug version OR you already have an export version installed:

    1. Make sure you delete the following directories:
      • $DEVDIR/build_debug

      • $DEVDIR/ssc

      • $DEVDIR/sam

    1. Note that the bash script at $DEVDIR/neup-ies/build_debug_SAM checks out specific branches of the SSC and SAM repositories. * The script should check out a specified, stable tag of SAM, if it doesn’t work you could try to contact someone at NREL.

    • The script defaults to a stable branch of my forked SSC repository, but the bash script call takes in an extra argument to override

    1. Run the bash script to build a debug version of SAM

      cd $DEVDIR/neup-ies
      source ./build_debug_SAM <optional-SSC-branch-name>

      If you want to specify the SSC branch to check out, add an extra argument as shown with the branch name, otherwise leave that blank.

Build Export Version of SAM linked through PySAM

  • If running for the first time:

    1. Make sure you delete the following directories if they exist:
      • $DEVDIR/build_sam_export

      • $DEVDIR/build_ssc_export

      • $DEVDIR/ssc

      • $DEVDIR/sam

      • $DEVDIR/pysam

    2. run steps 1, 2 and 3 from the above debug section

    3. Run the bash script to build an export version of SAM and dedicated PySAM libraries

      cd $DEVDIR/neup-ies
      source ./build_pysam

    Bash script was created using steps found here for building PySAM with modified SSC modules.

    1. Verify that the project and libraries are built in the correct places:

      • There should be a new directory: $DEVDIR/build_ssc_export.

      • There should be a new directory: $DEVDIR/build_sam_export.

      • In each of the individual subdirectories of lk, wex, ssc, and sam there should be a build subdirectory with a _.a library

      • Check that $DEVDIR/build_ssc_export/ssc/ library exists

      • Check that googletest created its libraries at $DEVDIR/googletest/build/lib. These should be called libgtest.a among others. Note this is a separate directory from the debug version

      • A CodeLite IDE workspace is created at $DEVDIR/build_ssc_export/sam_simulation_core.workspace. Note that this is hardly used because currently there is no mixed-mode debugging through PySAM

      • There should be .whl and .egg files in the $DEVDIR/pysam/dist directory

      • Check that $DEVDIR/pysam/files/ and $DEVDIR/pysam/files/ library exists

  • If rebuilding a new export version OR you already have a debug version installed:

    1. Make sure you delete the following directories:
      • $DEVDIR/build_sam_export

      • $DEVDIR/build_ssc_export

      • $DEVDIR/ssc

      • $DEVDIR/sam

      • $DEVDIR/pysam

    2. Note that the bash script at $DEVDIR/neup-ies/build_pysam checks out specific branches of the pysam, SSC and SAM repositories.
      • The script should check out a stable tag of SAM, if it doesn’t work you could try to contact someone at NREL.

      • The script defaults to a specified, stable branch of my forked SSC repository, but the bash script call takes in an extra argument to override

      • The script currently checks out the default pysam branch

    3. Run the bash script to build PySAM and an export version of SAM

      cd $DEVDIR/neup-ies
      source ./build_pysam <optional-SSC-branch-name>

      If you want to specify the SSC branch to check out, add an extra argument as shown with the branch name, otherwise leave that blank.