#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Apr 8 16:58:30 2022
@author: gabrielsoto
import sys, copy, os
import numpy as np
from util.FileMethods import FileMethods
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from util.SSCHelperMethods import SSCHelperMethods
import PySAM.NuclearMsptIndirectTes as NuclearMsptIndirectTes
from modules.GenericSSCModule import GenericSSCModule
from modules.NuclearTES import NuclearTES
from dispatch.IndirectNuclearDispatch import IndirectNuclearDispatch as IND
from dispatch.IndirectNuclearDispatch import IndirectNuclearDispatchParamWrap as INDP
from dispatch.IndirectNuclearDispatch import IndirectNuclearDispatchOutputs as INDO
[docs]class IndirectNuclearTES(NuclearTES):
The IndirectNuclearTES class intializes, updates, and runs SSC simulations through PySAM,
specifically for the SSC tcsmolten_salt module.
[docs] def __init__(self, plant_name="nuclear_mspt_indirect_tes", json_name="model1", **kwargs):
""" Initializes the SolarTES module
plant_name (str) : name of SSC module to run
json_name (str) : name of JSON script with input data for module
is_dispatch (bool) : boolean, if True runs Pyomo dispatch optimization
self.u = SSCHelperMethods.define_unit_registry()
# calculating steam properties from steam table
steampath = os.path.join( FileMethods.data_dir, "steam_table.csv")
T, cp, Hp = FileMethods.read_steam_table_file( steampath, self.u )
self.cp_interp = interp1d( T.m, cp.m, kind='linear' ) # T: in deg K || cp: in kJ/kg*K
self.hp_interp = interp1d( T.m, Hp.m, kind='linear' ) # T: in dek K || Hp: in kJ/kg
# overriding base class default value unless we get a keyword from higher up
kwargs['direct'] = kwargs['direct'] if 'direct' in kwargs else False
super().__init__( plant_name, json_name, **kwargs )
# define specific PySAM module to be called later
self.PySAM_Module = NuclearMsptIndirectTes
# define specific Dispatch module to be called later
self.Dispatch_Module = IND
# define the specific Dispatch Outputs module to be called later to create dispatch targets for SSC
self.Dispatch_Outputs = INDO
[docs] def create_dispatch_wrapper(self, PySAM_dict):
""" Creating a wrapper object for calling a class that creates dispatch parameters
** self.is_dispatch == True
(Called in __init__ of NE2 module)
This method creates an object whose class ultimately calculates and creates
parameters for Dispatch optimization. The reason this class exists separately
is that it gets overlaoded based on the PySAM module we are running. Depending on
the PySAM module, this method calls on a different Dispatch Parameter class that
is specific to the module.
PySAM_dict (dict) : dictionary of PySAM inputs from a script in /json directory
dispatch_wrap (obj) : wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
self.DispatchParameterClass = INDP
dispatch_wrap = self.DispatchParameterClass( unit_registry=self.u,
SSC_dict=self.SSC_dict, PySAM_dict=PySAM_dict,
return dispatch_wrap
[docs] def initialize_arrays(self):
""" Initializing empty arrays to log SSC outputs after segment simulations
This method creates empty arrays where SSC outputs will be written to.
Also creates a list of str names for logged simulation outputs.
u = self.u
# start and end times for full simulation
i_start = (self.SSC_dict['time_start'] * u.s).to('hr').m
i_end = (self.SSC_dict['time_stop'] * u.s).to('hr').m
# size of simulation arrays
N_sim = int( i_end - i_start )
# dictionary of output variable names to log after each segment simulation
self.Log_Arrays = {
# name of NE2 variable || name of SSC module variable
'time_log': 'time_hr', # logging time
'gen_log': 'gen', # electricity generation log
'q_thermal_log': 'Q_nuc_thermal', # thermal power from nuclear to HTF
'p_cycle_log' : 'P_cycle', # PC electrical power output (gross)
'q_dot_rec_inc_log': 'q_dot_nuc_inc', # Nuclear incident thermal power
'q_pb_log': 'q_pb', # PC input energy
'q_dot_pc_su_log' : 'q_dot_pc_startup', # PC startup thermal power
'q_dc_tes' : 'q_dc_tes', # TES discharge thermal power
'q_ch_tes' : 'q_ch_tes', # TES charge thermal power
'm_dot_pc_log' : 'm_dot_pc', # PC HTF mass flow rate
'm_dot_rec_log' : 'm_dot_nuc', # Nuc mass flow rate
'T_pc_in_log' : 'T_pc_in', # PC HTF inlet temperature
'T_pc_out_log' : 'T_pc_out', # PC HTF outlet temperature
'T_tes_cold_log': 'T_tes_cold', # TES cold temperature
'T_tes_hot_log' : 'T_tes_hot', # TES hot temperature
'T_rec_in_log': 'T_nuc_in', # Plant inlet temperature
'T_rec_out_log' : 'T_nuc_out', # Plant outlet temperature
'T_cond_out_log': 'T_cond_out', # PC condenser water outlet temperature
'e_ch_tes_log' : 'e_ch_tes', # TES charge state
'op_mode_1_log' : 'op_mode_1', # Operating Mode
'defocus_log' : 'defocus', # Nuclear "Defocus" fraction
'eta_log' : 'eta' # PC efficiency, gross
} if self.run_loop \
else {'gen_log': 'gen' # electricity generation log
# empty array to initalize log arrays
empty_array = np.zeros(N_sim)
# loop through keys in ^ dictionary, save the KEY name to NE2 module as empty array
for key in self.Log_Arrays.keys():
# meta: if we don't grab the copy of empty_array, it'll assign a pointer to the array!!
setattr( self, key, empty_array.copy() )
if self.log_dispatch_targets:
self.Log_Target_Arrays = {
'is_rec_su_allowed_in' : empty_array.copy(),
'is_rec_sb_allowed_in' : empty_array.copy(),
'is_pc_su_allowed_in' : empty_array.copy(),
'f_nuc_to_tes_target' : empty_array.copy(),
'is_pc_sb_allowed_in' : empty_array.copy(),
'q_pc_target_su_in' : empty_array.copy(),
'q_pc_target_on_in' : empty_array.copy(),
'q_pc_max_in' : empty_array.copy()
[docs] def create_dispatch_params(self, Plant):
""" Populating a dictionary with dispatch parameters before optimization
self.is_dispatch == True
(Called within simulation)
This method is creates the Dispatch Parameter dictionary that will be
populated with static inputs from SSC_dict as well as initial conditions
for Dispatch optimization. The initial conditions are continuously updated
if simulation is segmented.
Plant (obj):
original PySAM Plant module
dispatch_wrap (obj):
wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
# get the object
DW = self.dispatch_wrap
# run the setters from the GenericSSCModule parent class
params = NuclearTES.create_dispatch_params(self, Plant)
# specific params for IndirectNuclearDispatch
params = DW.set_indirect_config_parameters( params )
return params
[docs] def update_Plant_after_Pyomo(self, Plant, pre_dispatch_run=False):
""" Update SSC Plant inputs with Pyomo optimization outputs from current segment simulation
self.run_loop == True (can be called outside loop)
self.is_dispatch == True
This method uses the optimization results from Pyomo and ensures that
the next SSC segment uses them throughout the corresponding SSC Horizon.
SSC normally takes single values for initial conditions (for the first hour
of the SSC Horizon), but it can also take in an array of values for each
step in the SSC Horizon. These are called "dispatch_targets". Steps are:
(1) extract solutions from Pyomo over the Pyomo Horizon,
(2) keep the solutions for the shorter SSC Horizon and
(3) save these "dispatch target" inputs to the Plant object for the
next SSC simulation segment.
Plant (obj):
original PySAM Plant module to be updated
pre_dispatch_run (bool):
are we updating the Plant for a pre- or post- dispatch run.
Recall that we only log post-dispatch Plant runs
Plant (obj):
updated PySAM Plant module
# number of times in full simulation
N_full = int((self.SSC_dict['time_stop']*self.u.s).to('hr').m)
# the heavy-lifting happens here -> return a dictionary of dispatch target arrays from Pyomo optimization results
horizon = self.pyomo_horizon if pre_dispatch_run else self.ssc_horizon
dispatch_targets = self.Dispatch_Outputs.get_dispatch_targets_from_Pyomo( \
self.current_disp_model, horizon, N_full, self.run_loop)
### Set Dispatch Targets ###
# setting dispatch targets to True so that SSC can read in Pyomo inputs
Plant.SystemControl.is_dispatch_targets = True
# extract binary arrays for receiver startup and standby
Plant.SystemControl.is_rec_su_allowed_in = dispatch_targets['is_rec_su_allowed_in']
Plant.SystemControl.is_rec_sb_allowed_in = dispatch_targets['is_rec_sb_allowed_in']
# extract binary arrays for cycle startup and standby
Plant.SystemControl.is_pc_su_allowed_in = dispatch_targets['is_pc_su_allowed_in']
Plant.SystemControl.is_pc_sb_allowed_in = dispatch_targets['is_pc_sb_allowed_in']
# extract power arrays for power cycle
Plant.SystemControl.q_pc_target_su_in = dispatch_targets['q_pc_target_su_in']
Plant.SystemControl.q_pc_target_on_in = dispatch_targets['q_pc_target_on_in']
Plant.SystemControl.q_pc_max_in = dispatch_targets['q_pc_max_in']
Plant.SystemControl.f_nuc_to_tes_target = dispatch_targets['f_nuc_to_tes_target']
return Plant