simulations.modules package¶
simulations.modules.DualIndirectTES module¶
Created on Fri Apr 15 16:28:05 2022
@author: gabrielsoto
- class simulations.modules.DualIndirectTES.DualIndirectTES(plant_name='nuclear_mspt_indirect_tes', json_name='model2', dual=True, direct=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
The DualPlantTES class intializes, updates, and runs SSC simulations through PySAM, specifically for the SSC nuclear_mspt_tes module.
This is meant to simulate the intermediate cycle where the Nuclear and Solar plants are both directly connected to the storage tank - power cycle loop. That is, the Nuclear and Solar Power Tower heat parallel mass flows of molten salt via respective heat exchangers. Each molten salt mass flow then routes directly to the hot storage tank where it can be dispatched out to the power cycle.
- __init__(plant_name='nuclear_mspt_indirect_tes', json_name='model2', dual=True, direct=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Initializes the DualPlantTES module
- Inputs:
plant_name (str) : name of SSC module to run json_name (str) : name of JSON script with input data for module is_dispatch (bool) : boolean, if True runs Pyomo dispatch optimization
- create_dispatch_params(Plant)[source]¶
Populating a dictionary with dispatch parameters before optimization
self.is_dispatch == True (Called within simulation)
This method is creates the Dispatch Parameter dictionary that will be populated with static inputs from SSC_dict as well as initial conditions for Dispatch optimization. The initial conditions are continuously updated if simulation is segmented.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module
- Returns
wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
- Return type
dispatch_wrap (obj)
- create_dispatch_wrapper(PySAM_dict)[source]¶
Creating a wrapper object for calling a class that creates dispatch parameters
** self.is_dispatch == True (Called in __init__ of NE2 module)
This method creates an object whose class ultimately calculates and creates parameters for Dispatch optimization. The reason this class exists separately is that it gets overlaoded based on the PySAM module we are running. Depending on the PySAM module, this method calls on a different Dispatch Parameter class that is specific to the module.
- Inputs:
PySAM_dict (dict) : dictionary of PySAM inputs from a script in /json directory
- Outputs:
dispatch_wrap (obj) : wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
- initialize_arrays()[source]¶
Initializing empty arrays to log SSC outputs after segment simulations
This method creates empty arrays where SSC outputs will be written to. Also creates a list of str names for logged simulation outputs.
- update_Plant_after_Pyomo(Plant, pre_dispatch_run=False)[source]¶
Update SSC Plant inputs with Pyomo optimization outputs from current segment simulation
self.run_loop == True (can be called outside loop) self.is_dispatch == True
This method uses the optimization results from Pyomo and ensures that the next SSC segment uses them throughout the corresponding SSC Horizon. SSC normally takes single values for initial conditions (for the first hour of the SSC Horizon), but it can also take in an array of values for each step in the SSC Horizon. These are called “dispatch_targets”. Steps are: (1) extract solutions from Pyomo over the Pyomo Horizon, (2) keep the solutions for the shorter SSC Horizon and (3) save these “dispatch target” inputs to the Plant object for the next SSC simulation segment.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module to be updated
pre_dispatch_run (bool) – are we updating the Plant for a pre- or post- dispatch run. Recall that we only log post-dispatch Plant runs
- Returns
updated PySAM Plant module
- Return type
Plant (obj)
- update_Plant_after_SSC()[source]¶
Update SSC Plant inputs with SSC outputs from previous segment simulation
** self.run_loop == True
This method uses the SSC end results from the previous simulation segment and sets them as the initial conditions for the next SSC segment. As a small note: some outputs are arrays that span the full year, however the only relevant parts are the first indeces corresponding to the SSC Horizon. All other values are typically 0.
- update_Pyomo_after_SSC(Plant, params)[source]¶
Update Pyomo inputs with SSC outputs from previous segment simulation
self.run_loop == True self.is_dispatch == True
This method uses the SSC end results from the previous simulation segment and uses them to update the existing Dispatch parameter dictionary that is ultimately sent to Pyomo. Essentially just updates the initial conditions of the Dispatch parameter dictionary.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module
params (dict) – dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
- Returns
updated dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
- Return type
params (dict)
simulations.modules.DualPlantTES module¶
Created on Tue Nov 2 14:03:51 2021
@author: gabrielsoto
- class simulations.modules.DualPlantTES.DualPlantTES(plant_name='nuclear_mspt_tes', json_name='model2', dual=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
The DualPlantTES class intializes, updates, and runs SSC simulations through PySAM, specifically for the SSC nuclear_mspt_tes module.
This is meant to simulate the intermediate cycle where the Nuclear and Solar plants are both directly connected to the storage tank - power cycle loop. That is, the Nuclear and Solar Power Tower heat parallel mass flows of molten salt via respective heat exchangers. Each molten salt mass flow then routes directly to the hot storage tank where it can be dispatched out to the power cycle.
- __init__(plant_name='nuclear_mspt_tes', json_name='model2', dual=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
Initializes the DualPlantTES module
- Inputs:
plant_name (str) : name of SSC module to run json_name (str) : name of JSON script with input data for module is_dispatch (bool) : boolean, if True runs Pyomo dispatch optimization
- create_dispatch_params(Plant)[source]¶
Populating a dictionary with dispatch parameters before optimization
self.is_dispatch == True (Called within simulation)
This method is creates the Dispatch Parameter dictionary that will be populated with static inputs from SSC_dict as well as initial conditions for Dispatch optimization. The initial conditions are continuously updated if simulation is segmented.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module
- Returns
wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
- Return type
dispatch_wrap (obj)
- create_dispatch_wrapper(PySAM_dict)[source]¶
Creating a wrapper object for calling a class that creates dispatch parameters
** self.is_dispatch == True (Called in __init__ of NE2 module)
This method creates an object whose class ultimately calculates and creates parameters for Dispatch optimization. The reason this class exists separately is that it gets overlaoded based on the PySAM module we are running. Depending on the PySAM module, this method calls on a different Dispatch Parameter class that is specific to the module.
- Inputs:
PySAM_dict (dict) : dictionary of PySAM inputs from a script in /json directory
- Outputs:
dispatch_wrap (obj) : wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
- initialize_arrays()[source]¶
Initializing empty arrays to log SSC outputs after segment simulations
This method creates empty arrays where SSC outputs will be written to. Also creates a list of str names for logged simulation outputs.
- update_Plant_after_SSC()[source]¶
Update SSC Plant inputs with SSC outputs from previous segment simulation
** self.run_loop == True
This method uses the SSC end results from the previous simulation segment and sets them as the initial conditions for the next SSC segment. As a small note: some outputs are arrays that span the full year, however the only relevant parts are the first indeces corresponding to the SSC Horizon. All other values are typically 0.
- update_Pyomo_after_SSC(Plant, params)[source]¶
Update Pyomo inputs with SSC outputs from previous segment simulation
self.run_loop == True self.is_dispatch == True
This method uses the SSC end results from the previous simulation segment and uses them to update the existing Dispatch parameter dictionary that is ultimately sent to Pyomo. Essentially just updates the initial conditions of the Dispatch parameter dictionary.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module
params (dict) – dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
- Returns
updated dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
- Return type
params (dict)
simulations.modules.GenericSSCModule module¶
Created on Thu Apr 8 13:40:22 2021
@author: gabrielsoto
- class simulations.modules.GenericSSCModule.GenericSSCModule(plant_name='abstract', json_name='abstract', dual=False, direct=True, is_dispatch=False, dispatch_time_step=1, log_dispatch_targets=False, exec_debug=False, exec_timeout=10.0, **kwargs)[source]¶
The GenericSSCModule class works as a way to intialize, update, and run SSC simulations through PySAM.
This class is not meant to be run, but instead work as a parent class for all other models including NuclearTES, a future CSP class, etc.
NOTE: I over-use the word “module” because everything is apparently a module. There are three hierarchies of modules at play here: - SSC modules : these are the cmod_<name>.cpp files from the SSC repository written in C++ - PySAM modules : these are PySAM wrappers for the SSC modules (also Grid, Financial modules, etc.) - NE2 modules : these are Python classes that create PySAM modules (e.g., THIS class)
- abstract __init__(plant_name='abstract', json_name='abstract', dual=False, direct=True, is_dispatch=False, dispatch_time_step=1, log_dispatch_targets=False, exec_debug=False, exec_timeout=10.0, **kwargs)[source]¶
Initializes the GenericSSCModules
- Parameters
plant_name (str) – name of SSC module to run
json_name (str) – name of JSON script with input data for module
is_dispatch (bool) – boolean, if True runs Pyomo dispatch optimization
dispatch_time_step (int) – time step for dispatch (hours)
log_dispatch_targets (bool) – boolean, if True logs dispatch targets calculated by Pyomo at each segment
exec_debug (bool) – boolean, allows execution in “debug” mode that times out exec call
exec_timeout (float) – amount of time in seconds to timeout an exec call
- advance_time_segment(prev_time_start, prev_time_next)[source]¶
Method to advance time segment to the next horizon
This method updates the current time segment bookends and slices to reflect the next time segment horizon.
- Parameters
prev_time_start (float Quant) – starting time of previous time segment
prev_time_next (float Quant) – ending time of previous time segment
- Returns
starting time of current SSC horizon time_sscH (float Quant):
ending time of current SSC horizon
- time_pyoH (float Quant):
ending time of current SSC horizon
- Return type
time_start (float Quant)
- abstract create_Grid()[source]¶
Method to create Grid onuclear_mspt_indirect_tesbject for the first time
This method creates a Grid object again using built-in PySAM functions. The Grid object is created similarly to the Plant object, from SSC inputs listed in the SSC_dict. The Grid object, however, is first created from the existing Plant object and then the grid-specific input data is added to create a wrapper for the SSC Grid module.
- abstract create_Plant()[source]¶
Method to create Plant object for the first time
This method creates a Plant object using built-in PySAM functionalities (including some former PySSC structures). Essentially, it creates some sort of data structure (pointer?) from SSC inputs found in the SSC_dict and the specified SSC module. That data structure is then used to create a PySAM module for the specified SSC Plant module (TCSMolten_Salt, etc.).
- create_SO()[source]¶
Method to create SingleOwner object for the first time
This method creates a Financial object–in this case, the “SingleOwner” SSC financial module– using PySAM like before. Similarly to the Grid object, the SingleOwner object is created first from the existing Plant object and then SingleOwner-specific input data is added to create a wrapper for the SSC SingleOwner module.
- abstract create_dispatch_params(Plant)[source]¶
Populating a dictionary with dispatch parameters before optimization
self.is_dispatch == True (Called within simulation)
This method is creates the Dispatch Parameter dictionary that will be populated with static inputs from SSC_dict as well as initial conditions for Dispatch optimization. The initial conditions are continuously updated if simulation is segmented.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module
- Returns
wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
- Return type
dispatch_wrap (obj)
- abstract create_dispatch_wrapper(PySAM_dict)[source]¶
Creating a wrapper object for calling a class that creates dispatch parameters
self.is_dispatch == True (Called in __init__ of NE2 module)
This method creates an object whose class ultimately calculates and creates parameters for Dispatch optimization. The reason this class exists separately is that it gets overlaoded based on the PySAM module we are running. Depending on the PySAM module, this method calls on a different Dispatch Parameter class that is specific to the module.
- Parameters
PySAM_dict (dict) – dictionary of PySAM inputs from a script in /json directory
- Returns
wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
- Return type
dispatch_wrap (obj)
- abstract duplicate_Plant(Plant)[source]¶
Method to create Plant object as a duplicate of existing Plant
This method creates a Plant object from an existing Plant. The new Plant object will have a copy of the original Plant’s subclasses EXCEPT the Output subclass. The two plant’s outputs will NOT be linked.
Currently verified in simulations/scripts/sanity_check_scripts
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module to be copied
- Returns
duplicate PySAM Plant module, unlinked from original
- Return type
newPlant (obj)
- export_results(filename)[source]¶
Exports final SSC outputs to a specified Excel file
This method creates an .xlsx file with SSC output data from the full simulation. Outputs are specified by keywords in the JSON script supplied by the user.
- Parameters
filename (str) – name of xlsx file to save results to within /output directory
- abstract generate_hash()[source]¶
Method to create unique hash for given JSON inputs
This method creates a unique, permanent hash for a given JSON script. That is, it gathers all of the JSON inputs (including SSC and PySAM inputs) from the designated script and converts both their keynames and values to strings. It collects all of these into a single string variable and then creates a new hexadecimal string or “hash” for that giant string. This serves as a unique identifier or “fingerprint” for all the values in the JSON script. This is then used later on as the file name containing outputs from this particular run. Any small changes to the JSON script will result in a drastically different hash, and therefore a new output file. If a simulation has already been run with the given JSON script, it can just pull results from the already created hash file instead of needlessly repeating the simulation.
- Returns
if True, a hash file currently exists with all given JSON inputs filepath (str):
absolute filepath to the hash file in outputs directory
- Return type
hash_exists (bool)
- abstract initialize_arrays()[source]¶
Initializing empty arrays to log SSC outputs after segment simulations
This method creates empty arrays where SSC outputs will be written to. Also creates a list of str names for logged simulation outputs.
- initialize_time_elements()[source]¶
Method to initialize time elements
This method initiliazes start and end times for full simulation and conducts logic for end of next time segment (could be SSC horizon, or could be end time).
- Returns
starting time of current SSC horizon time_sscH (float Quant):
ending time of current SSC horizon
- Return type
time_start (float Quant)
- initialize_time_slices(time_start)[source]¶
Method to advance time segment to the next horizon
This method updates the current time segment bookends and slices to reflect the next time segment horizon.
- Parameters
time_start (float Quant) – starting time of current SSC horizon
- log_SSC_arrays(log_final=False)[source]¶
Creating a wrapper object for calling a class that creates dispatch parameters
This method logs SSC outputs if we choose to run a segmented simulation in a loop. Normally (if log_final == False) it saves outputs to arrays that are members of the GenericSSCModule class; these are previously initialized to 0. (If log_final == True) the method gets all the previously logged and filled arrays from the segmented simulation and saves it to the Plant object which is a member class of GenericSSCModule. The Plant member class gets a “dummy” subclass made from an empty lambda function but works as a class with attributes saved to it.
- Parameters
log_final (bool) – if true, save full outputs to Plant. else, log to member arrays of Plant
- reset_all()[source]¶
Reset SSC submodules
This method resets all PySAM wrappers, deleting them from this NE2 class. Primarily done for unit testing, but could also have use if running simulations in parallel.
- run_Plant_through_SSC(Plant, start_hr, end_hr)[source]¶
Simulation of Plant through SSC for given times
This method strictly executes the Plant object in SSC through the PySAM wrapper. It updates the start and end times of the simulation in case we are running a subsequent segment of the simulation but also handles full, un-segmented simulations. If running in segments, it stores outputs to member attributes of this NE2 module.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module to be executed
start_hr (float Quant) – starting time for next simulation (hours)
end_hr (float Quant) – ending time for next simulation (hours)
- Returns
True if SSC execution is successful Plant (obj):
original PySAM Plant module after execution
- Return type
exec_success (bool)
- abstract run_pyomo(params)[source]¶
Running Pyomo dispatch optimization
self.is_dispatch == True
This method strictly runs the Pyomo optimization before execution of an SSC segment. It creates a new Dispatch model for the segment, solves it, then returns results. Results are stored in a dictionary.
- Parameters
params (dict) – dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
- run_sim(run_loop=False, export=False, filename='temp.csv', overwrite_dispatch_targets=False)[source]¶
Method to run single simulation for Generic System
This method handles the creating and execution of Plant, Grid, and Financial objects to run through SSC. The Plant has an optional boolean input to allow the running of a full simulation in a segmented loop.
- Parameters
run_loop (bool) – if true, runs simulation in segments. else, runs simulation all at once
export (bool) – if true, exports results to an Excel sheet
filename (str) – name for Excel sheet saved to the /outputs directory
overwrite_dispatch_targets (bool) – if true, overwrites the current stored dispatch target file
- simulate_Plant()[source]¶
Method to run full simulation of Plant
This method is a sub-section of the run_sim() method in that it handles the execution of JUST the Plant object simulation. However, this constitutes most of the SSC computational cost. Namely, this method carries out the setup steps and calls a method to execute the Plant in SSC through the PySAM wrapper.
- Major features:
- “run_loop” (bool) - We can choose to run the simulation all at once,
or run it in segments defined by our “SSC Horizon” defined in the JSON script.
- “is_dispatch” (bool) - We can also choose to run Dispatch optimization
through a Python package called Pyomo, then use those results to update our SSC inputs.
The Pyomo optimization is generally conducted over a “Pyomo Horizon” longer than the SSC Horizon, but results are only kept for that SSC Horizon to use in the next simulation segment.
- abstract store_csv_arrays(input_dict)[source]¶
Method to get data from specified csv files and store in class
This method uses the designated PySAM inputs from a JSON script to extract csv arrays for use in SSC. The PySAM inputs used here are relative filepaths to find the respective csv files. We then either save the filepath as a variable or extract the data from the named csv file and save it to as a member attribute of this NE2 module class.
- Parameters
input_dict (dict) – dictionary with csc relative filepaths
- abstract update_Plant_after_Pyomo(Plant, pre_dispatch_run=False)[source]¶
Update SSC Plant inputs with Pyomo optimization outputs from current segment simulation
self.run_loop == True (can be called outside loop) self.is_dispatch == True
This method uses the optimization results from Pyomo and ensures that the next SSC segment uses them throughout the corresponding SSC Horizon. SSC normally takes single values for initial conditions (for the first hour of the SSC Horizon), but it can also take in an array of values for each step in the SSC Horizon. These are called “dispatch_targets”. Steps are: (1) extract solutions from Pyomo over the Pyomo Horizon, (2) keep the solutions for the shorter SSC Horizon and (3) save these “dispatch target” inputs to the Plant object for the next SSC simulation segment.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module to be updated
pre_dispatch_run (bool) – are we updating the Plant for a pre- or post- dispatch run. Recall that we only log post-dispatch Plant runs
- Returns
updated PySAM Plant module
- Return type
Plant (obj)
- update_Plant_after_SSC()[source]¶
Update SSC Plant inputs with SSC outputs from previous segment simulation
self.run_loop == True
This method uses the SSC end results from the previous simulation segment and sets them as the initial conditions for the next SSC segment. As a small note: some outputs are arrays that span the full year, however the only relevant parts are the first indeces corresponding to the SSC Horizon. All other values are typically 0.
- abstract update_Pyomo_after_SSC(Plant, params)[source]¶
Update Pyomo inputs with SSC outputs from previous segment simulation
self.run_loop == True self.is_dispatch == True
This method uses the SSC end results from the previous simulation segment and uses them to update the existing Dispatch parameter dictionary that is ultimately sent to Pyomo. Essentially just updates the initial conditions of the Dispatch parameter dictionary.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module
params (dict) – dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
- Returns
updated dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
- Return type
params (dict)
simulations.modules.IndirectNuclearTES module¶
Created on Fri Apr 8 16:58:30 2022
@author: gabrielsoto
- class simulations.modules.IndirectNuclearTES.IndirectNuclearTES(plant_name='nuclear_mspt_indirect_tes', json_name='model1', **kwargs)[source]¶
The IndirectNuclearTES class intializes, updates, and runs SSC simulations through PySAM, specifically for the SSC tcsmolten_salt module.
- __init__(plant_name='nuclear_mspt_indirect_tes', json_name='model1', **kwargs)[source]¶
Initializes the SolarTES module
- Inputs:
plant_name (str) : name of SSC module to run json_name (str) : name of JSON script with input data for module is_dispatch (bool) : boolean, if True runs Pyomo dispatch optimization
- create_dispatch_params(Plant)[source]¶
Populating a dictionary with dispatch parameters before optimization
self.is_dispatch == True (Called within simulation)
This method is creates the Dispatch Parameter dictionary that will be populated with static inputs from SSC_dict as well as initial conditions for Dispatch optimization. The initial conditions are continuously updated if simulation is segmented.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module
- Returns
wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
- Return type
dispatch_wrap (obj)
- create_dispatch_wrapper(PySAM_dict)[source]¶
Creating a wrapper object for calling a class that creates dispatch parameters
** self.is_dispatch == True (Called in __init__ of NE2 module)
This method creates an object whose class ultimately calculates and creates parameters for Dispatch optimization. The reason this class exists separately is that it gets overlaoded based on the PySAM module we are running. Depending on the PySAM module, this method calls on a different Dispatch Parameter class that is specific to the module.
- Inputs:
PySAM_dict (dict) : dictionary of PySAM inputs from a script in /json directory
- Outputs:
dispatch_wrap (obj) : wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
- initialize_arrays()[source]¶
Initializing empty arrays to log SSC outputs after segment simulations
This method creates empty arrays where SSC outputs will be written to. Also creates a list of str names for logged simulation outputs.
- update_Plant_after_Pyomo(Plant, pre_dispatch_run=False)[source]¶
Update SSC Plant inputs with Pyomo optimization outputs from current segment simulation
self.run_loop == True (can be called outside loop) self.is_dispatch == True
This method uses the optimization results from Pyomo and ensures that the next SSC segment uses them throughout the corresponding SSC Horizon. SSC normally takes single values for initial conditions (for the first hour of the SSC Horizon), but it can also take in an array of values for each step in the SSC Horizon. These are called “dispatch_targets”. Steps are: (1) extract solutions from Pyomo over the Pyomo Horizon, (2) keep the solutions for the shorter SSC Horizon and (3) save these “dispatch target” inputs to the Plant object for the next SSC simulation segment.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module to be updated
pre_dispatch_run (bool) – are we updating the Plant for a pre- or post- dispatch run. Recall that we only log post-dispatch Plant runs
- Returns
updated PySAM Plant module
- Return type
Plant (obj)
simulations.modules.NuclearTES module¶
Created on Thu Apr 8 13:44:30 2021
@author: gabrielsoto
- class simulations.modules.NuclearTES.NuclearTES(plant_name='nuclear_tes', json_name='model1', **kwargs)[source]¶
The NuclearTES class intializes, updates, and runs SSC simulations through PySAM, specifically for the SSC NuclearTES module.
- __init__(plant_name='nuclear_tes', json_name='model1', **kwargs)[source]¶
Initializes the NuclearTES module
- Parameters
plant_name (str) – name of SSC module to run
json_name (str) – name of JSON script with input data for module
is_dispatch (bool) – boolean, if True runs Pyomo dispatch optimization
log_dispatch_targets (bool) – boolean, if True logs dispatch targets calculated by Pyomo at each segment
- create_Grid()[source]¶
Method to create Grid object for the first time
This method creates a Grid object again using built-in PySAM functions. The Grid object is created similarly to the Plant object, from SSC inputs listed in the SSC_dict. The Grid object, however, is first created from the existing Plant object and then the grid-specific input data is added to create a wrapper for the SSC Grid module.
- create_Plant()[source]¶
Method to create Plant object for the first time
This method creates a Plant object using built-in PySAM functionalities (including some former PySSC structures). Essentially, it creates some sort of data structure (pointer?) from SSC inputs found in the SSC_dict and the specified SSC module. That data structure is then used to create a PySAM module for the specified SSC Plant module (TCSMolten_Salt, etc.).
- create_dispatch_params(Plant)[source]¶
Populating a dictionary with dispatch parameters before optimization
self.is_dispatch == True (Called within simulation)
This method is creates the Dispatch Parameter dictionary that will be populated with static inputs from SSC_dict as well as initial conditions for Dispatch optimization. The initial conditions are continuously updated if simulation is segmented.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module
- Returns
wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
- Return type
dispatch_wrap (obj)
- create_dispatch_wrapper(PySAM_dict)[source]¶
Creating a wrapper object for calling a class that creates dispatch parameters
self.is_dispatch == True (Called in __init__ of NE2 module)
This method creates an object whose class ultimately calculates and creates parameters for Dispatch optimization. The reason this class exists separately is that it gets overlaoded based on the PySAM module we are running. Depending on the PySAM module, this method calls on a different Dispatch Parameter class that is specific to the module.
- Parameters
PySAM_dict (dict) – dictionary of PySAM inputs from a script in /json directory
- Returns
wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
- Return type
dispatch_wrap (obj)
- duplicate_Plant(Plant)[source]¶
Method to create Plant object as a duplicate of existing Plant
This method creates a Plant object from an existing Plant. The new Plant object will have a copy of the original Plant’s subclasses EXCEPT the Output subclass. The two plant’s outputs will NOT be linked.
Verified in simulations/scripts/sanity_check_scripts
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module to be copied
- Returns
duplicate PySAM Plant module, unlinked from original
- Return type
newPlant (obj)
- generate_hash()[source]¶
Method to create unique hash for given JSON inputs
This method creates a unique, permanent hash for a given JSON script. That is, it gathers all of the JSON inputs (including SSC and PySAM inputs) from the designated script and converts both their keynames and values to strings. It collects all of these into a single string variable and then creates a new hexadecimal string or “hash” for that giant string. This serves as a unique identifier or “fingerprint” for all the values in the JSON script. This is then used later on as the file name containing outputs from this particular run. Any small changes to the JSON script will result in a drastically different hash, and therefore a new output file. If a simulation has already been run with the given JSON script, it can just pull results from the already created hash file instead of needlessly repeating the simulation.
- Returns
if True, a hash file currently exists with all given JSON inputs filepath (str):
absolute filepath to the hash file in outputs directory
- Return type
hash_exists (bool)
- initialize_arrays()[source]¶
Initializing empty arrays to log SSC outputs after segment simulations
This method creates empty arrays where SSC outputs will be written to. Also creates a list of str names for logged simulation outputs.
- run_pyomo(params)[source]¶
Running Pyomo dispatch optimization
self.is_dispatch == True
This method strictly runs the Pyomo optimization before execution of an SSC segment. It creates a new Dispatch model for the segment, solves it, then returns results. Results are stored in a dictionary. Help with failure modes was found through here:
- Parameters
params (dict) – dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
- Returns
if dispatch model was solved successfully, returns True
- Return type
dispatch_success (bool)
- store_csv_arrays(input_dict)[source]¶
Method to get data from specified csv files and store in class
This method uses the designated PySAM inputs from a JSON script to extract csv arrays for use in SSC. The PySAM inputs used here are relative filepaths to find the respective csv files. We then either save the filepath as a variable or extract the data from the named csv file and save it to as a member attribute of this NE2 module class.
- Parameters
input_dict (dict) – dictionary with csv relative filepaths
- update_Plant_after_Pyomo(Plant, pre_dispatch_run=False)[source]¶
Update SSC Plant inputs with Pyomo optimization outputs from current segment simulation
self.run_loop == True (can be called outside loop) self.is_dispatch == True
This method uses the optimization results from Pyomo and ensures that the next SSC segment uses them throughout the corresponding SSC Horizon. SSC normally takes single values for initial conditions (for the first hour of the SSC Horizon), but it can also take in an array of values for each step in the SSC Horizon. These are called “dispatch_targets”. Steps are: (1) extract solutions from Pyomo over the Pyomo Horizon, (2) keep the solutions for the shorter SSC Horizon and (3) save these “dispatch target” inputs to the Plant object for the next SSC simulation segment.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module to be updated
pre_dispatch_run (bool) – are we updating the Plant for a pre- or post- dispatch run. Recall that we only log post-dispatch Plant runs
- Returns
updated PySAM Plant module
- Return type
Plant (obj)
- update_Pyomo_after_SSC(Plant, params)[source]¶
Update Pyomo inputs with SSC outputs from previous segment simulation
self.run_loop == True self.is_dispatch == True
This method uses the SSC end results from the previous simulation segment and uses them to update the existing Dispatch parameter dictionary that is ultimately sent to Pyomo. Essentially just updates the initial conditions of the Dispatch parameter dictionary.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module
params (dict) – dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
- Returns
updated dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
- Return type
params (dict)
simulations.modules.SolarTES module¶
Created on Fri Jul 16 13:49:24 2021
@author: gabrielsoto
- class simulations.modules.SolarTES.SolarTES(plant_name='tcsmolten_salt', json_name='model_solarTES', **kwargs)[source]¶
The SolarTES class intializes, updates, and runs SSC simulations through PySAM, specifically for the SSC tcsmolten_salt module.
- __init__(plant_name='tcsmolten_salt', json_name='model_solarTES', **kwargs)[source]¶
Initializes the SolarTES module
- Inputs:
plant_name (str) : name of SSC module to run json_name (str) : name of JSON script with input data for module is_dispatch (bool) : boolean, if True runs Pyomo dispatch optimization
- create_dispatch_params(Plant)[source]¶
Populating a dictionary with dispatch parameters before optimization
self.is_dispatch == True (Called within simulation)
This method is creates the Dispatch Parameter dictionary that will be populated with static inputs from SSC_dict as well as initial conditions for Dispatch optimization. The initial conditions are continuously updated if simulation is segmented.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module
- Returns
wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
- Return type
dispatch_wrap (obj)
- create_dispatch_wrapper(PySAM_dict)[source]¶
Creating a wrapper object for calling a class that creates dispatch parameters
** self.is_dispatch == True (Called in __init__ of NE2 module)
This method creates an object whose class ultimately calculates and creates parameters for Dispatch optimization. The reason this class exists separately is that it gets overlaoded based on the PySAM module we are running. Depending on the PySAM module, this method calls on a different Dispatch Parameter class that is specific to the module.
- Inputs:
PySAM_dict (dict) : dictionary of PySAM inputs from a script in /json directory
- Outputs:
dispatch_wrap (obj) : wrapper object for the class that creates dispatch parameters
- initialize_arrays()[source]¶
Initializing empty arrays to log SSC outputs after segment simulations
This method creates empty arrays where SSC outputs will be written to. Also creates a list of str names for logged simulation outputs.
- update_Plant_after_Pyomo(Plant, pre_dispatch_run=False)[source]¶
Update SSC Plant inputs with Pyomo optimization outputs from current segment simulation
self.run_loop == True (can be called outside loop) self.is_dispatch == True
This method uses the optimization results from Pyomo and ensures that the next SSC segment uses them throughout the corresponding SSC Horizon. SSC normally takes single values for initial conditions (for the first hour of the SSC Horizon), but it can also take in an array of values for each step in the SSC Horizon. These are called “dispatch_targets”. Steps are: (1) extract solutions from Pyomo over the Pyomo Horizon, (2) keep the solutions for the shorter SSC Horizon and (3) save these “dispatch target” inputs to the Plant object for the next SSC simulation segment.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module to be updated
pre_dispatch_run (bool) – are we updating the Plant for a pre- or post- dispatch run. Recall that we only log post-dispatch Plant runs
- Returns
updated PySAM Plant module
- Return type
Plant (obj)
- update_Plant_after_SSC()[source]¶
Update SSC Plant inputs with SSC outputs from previous segment simulation
** self.run_loop == True
This method uses the SSC end results from the previous simulation segment and sets them as the initial conditions for the next SSC segment. As a small note: some outputs are arrays that span the full year, however the only relevant parts are the first indeces corresponding to the SSC Horizon. All other values are typically 0.
- update_Pyomo_after_SSC(Plant, params)[source]¶
Update Pyomo inputs with SSC outputs from previous segment simulation
self.run_loop == True self.is_dispatch == True
This method uses the SSC end results from the previous simulation segment and uses them to update the existing Dispatch parameter dictionary that is ultimately sent to Pyomo. Essentially just updates the initial conditions of the Dispatch parameter dictionary.
- Parameters
Plant (obj) – original PySAM Plant module
params (dict) – dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
- Returns
updated dictionary of Pyomo dispatch parameters
- Return type
params (dict)