DualPlantTES Scripts

Here is a list of relevant scripts for Model 2a (LFR + CSP + TES).

In neup-ies/simulations/scripts/debugging__Model2_scripts you can find a multitude of scripts used to debug Model 2a. These scripts are not as polished as the ones for Model 1a.


  1. run_PySAM_case.py
    • Used to run PySAM cases for specified PC size and TES size

    • Isn’t used specifically for debugging, but saves Pyomo Dispatch targets that we can then use with PySSC to actually mixed-mode debug

  2. run_PySSCWrap_DispatchTargets.py
    • Actually used to enter debugging mode in CodeLite or other C++ IDE

Some Data Generation

  1. gen__PySAM_Pyomo_sweep_for_failures__model2.py
    • Supposed to be a parameter sweep where the static params are the user-defined table (UDT) and tariff price schedule (TPS)

    • Variable parameters we sweep over are the PC size, TES size

    • User specifies:
      • JSON script

      • tshours (as array)

      • P_ref (as array)

  2. generate_two_peak_dispatch.py
    • Creates new tariff rate schedule with two peaks (one in morning, one in late afternoon) as shown below

  3. generate__load_profiles.py
    • Generates a full year of simulation profiles for model2a

    • User specifies:
      • JSON script

      • tshours (single value)

      • P_ref (single value)

Post Processing / Plotting

  1. plot__load_profiles.py
    • Creates the violin plots for Twin Peak Results

    • Splits distributions between Winter vs Summer, Weekday vs Weekend

    • Calls on a util class called NuclearTESLoadProfiles which hosts a lot of methods used to make the violin plots (some variations to deal with CSP profile)

    • Example plot:

  2. plot__PySAM_Pyomo_sweep_for_failures__model2.py
    • plotting results from parameter sweep files

    • Param sweep files are found in the neup-ies/simulations/outputs subdirectory
      • usually called something like “failureModes_PySAM__model2_Hamilton_560_tariffx1__2022_02__pyomo_1__horizon_24_48__TES_[2,14]__PC_[600,850]__CSP_400”